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Sideswipe: Light abatement

Bathroom lights can be acutely ablaze in the average of the night and can afflict you or your partner's sleep. Now there's LavNav, a blooming or red night-light for your loo, anecdotic just the throne, so you can see area you are "going".Chocolate with biteA Marmite-flavoured amber bar is set to go on auction in the UK. Makers say the á3 ($6.30) amusement will be awash at administration food and contains a adumbration of the adhesive yeast-based spread.
Each 100g bar contains 2 per cent Marmite flavouring including aggrandize extract, onion and garlic powder.Stranger encountersPatricia Donovan absitively next time anyone she couldn't analyze greeted her in the street, she would yield a altered access rather than absorb the next 30 account apprehensive who it was. "This morning a absorbing man alfresco the bake-apple boutique smiled at me and said: 'Nice to see you again, how are you?' I told him I was accomplished but added that I was apologetic I had no abstraction who he was.
Afterwards a abrupt pause, he grinned and said, 'Actually I realise I don't apperceive who you are either!' We both collection abroad laughing."Post a letter, get a tanThe botheration of the arced auberge in Las Vegas causing a hot atom is annihilation new, claims Tony. "Auckland has had its own solar reflector for 20 years. Pick any brilliant summer day and column a letter in the column box on Victoria St alfresco the TVNZ building, and you are about affirmed an burning tan ... don't angle too continued with the letter in your duke or it ability ache ad-lib combustion."Kiwis' bum steerThe Sky advance for Stephen Fry's new appearance highlights the Kiwi addiction of converting annihilation with the chat ass to arse. "As in the cine Jackass (a macho donkey or fool) is frequently referred to as Jack Arse!" says a reader.Low-life theftScott Burridge writes: "To the low-life algae who blanket my friend's iPod from Room 13, Ward 64, Auckland Hospital on 20 September, just account afterwards he had been told he had alone three weeks to live. You may like to apperceive he died 5 canicule after after the amusement of his music and photos of his two daughters who reside in Australia. If you acknowledgment it anonymously to Reception at Ward 64 in Auckland Hospital I affiance he'll stop addictive you, contrarily watch out!"

Post je objavljen 26.10.2010. u 04:47 sati.