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Zeljko Komsic, Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Hercegowina, mass-murder Tito, and Angelina Jolie, UNHCR, Sarajevo, 21th August 2010

Hrvatski centar za istraživanje zločina komunizma najoštrije prosvjeduje protiv manipulacije koju je izveo Željko Komšić, član Predsjedništva Bosne i Hercegovine, prilikom susreta s veleposlanicom organizacije Ujedinjenih naroda za zaštitu izbjeglica, žrtava rata, UNHCR, gospođom Angelinom Jolie, koju je primio u svom uredu, i izložio je javnom skandalu nazočnosti i fotografiranja ispod portreta najvećeg zločinca s prostoru Jugo-Istočne Europe, maršala Tita, jugoslavenskog diktatora i komunističkog tiranina, kojega je zajedno s nositeljima diktature i zločinima komunističke partije u dva navrata osudilo Vijeće Europe (1996. i 2006.) kao i Europski parlament koji je 23. kolovoza 2009. donio rezoluciju o osudi svih autoritarnih i totalitarnih režima povodom obljetnice pakta Molotov-Ribbentrop (pakt između Sovjetskog Saveza i 3. Reich-a), i označio 23. kolovoz kao spomen-dan u spomen na sve žrtve fašizma i komunizma!

Ako g. Željko Komšić gaji osobne simpatije prema jednom diktatoru, i ako mu to bosansko-hercegovačka javnost, koja je bila žrtva Titove diktature, i velikosrpske agresije Titove JNA, tolerira, ili nesloboda medija u BiH guši kritiku na račun bivšeg jugo-komunističkog režima, to ne znači da g. Željko Komšić smije brutalno manipulirati s bosansko-hercegovačkom javnošću ili s uglednim gostima kao što je Angelina Jolie i UNHCR koji su u Sarajevo došli s plemenitim namjerama da pomognu Bosni i Hercegovini i njenim građanima koji su bili žrtve rata.

Prošle godine je slovensko državno povjerenstvo za istraživanje sakrivenih masovnih grobnica otkrilo monstruozni zločin koji je zapovijedio partizanski i jugo-komunistički vođa Josip Broz – Tito u Hudoj Jami u kojoj su brutalno i bez suda smaknuti i građani iz Bosne i Hercegovine!

Stoga bi Željko Komšić, kao predstavnik hrvatskog naroda u Bosni i Hercegovini trebao voditi računa i izraziti pijetet žrtvama komunizma, a ne veličati njihova krvnika pod čijim je totalitarnim režimom u bivšoj tamnici naroda Jugoslaviji njena ondašnja republika Bosna i Hercegovina bila instrument za manipulaciju i nametanje srpske hegemonije kroz kadrovsku politiku komunističke partije.

Stoga osuđujemo relikte prošlosti u podijeljenoj Bosni i Hercegovini u kojoj se u entitetu tzv. “Republike Srpske“ veliča zločinca Radovana Karadžića, a u Federaciji BiH zločinca Tita!

Demokratskoj i pravnoj državi Bosni i Hercegovini s ravnopravnim narodima nema alternative.

War criminal in Yugoslavia 1945 / Mass Grave Huda Jama 2009 / Tito's victims

Izvor: Priopćenje za tisak Hrvatskog centra za istraživanje zločina komunizma. Zagreb, 22. 8. 2010, upućeno: Hina, AFP, Reuters, United Press International, UPI, Associated Press, AP, Reuters, Deutsche Presseagentur, DPA, Federalna novinska agencija Bosne i Hercegovine, Fena


Nosotros no estaremos satisfechos hasta que la derecha no fluye como el agua y la rectitud como un torrente! Martin Luther King Jr.

Comunicados de prensa y el público

Zagreb- Croatia, 22 Agosto 2010a

Sarajevo manipulación de Angelina Jolie

Croacia Centro para la Investigación de los Crímenes del Comunismo protestaron enérgicamente contra la manipulación llevada a cabo por Zeljko Komsic, un miembro de la Presidencia de Bosnia y Herzegovina, durante una reunión con los embajadores de las Naciones Unidas para proteger a los refugiados, víctimas de la guerra, el UNHCR, la Sra. Angelina Jolie, que recibió en su despacho, y mostró la presencia de un escándalo público y retratos de tiro de los mayores criminales en la zona del sudeste de Europa, el mariscal Tito, el dikratora Yugoslava y comunista tirano, quien, junto con los portadores de la dictadura y las atrocidades del Partido Comunista en dos ocasiones condenó el Consejo de Europa (1996a y 2006a) y el Parlamento Europeo el 23 de Agosto de 2009. emitió una resolución condenando todos los regímenes autoritarios y totalitarios en ocasión del aniversario del pacto Molotov-Ribbentrop (el Pacto entre la Unión Soviética y 3. Reich-a), y marcó el 23o Agosto como día de recordación en memoria de todas las víctimas del fascismo y el comunismo!

Si el Sr. Zeljko Komsic cultivar la simpatía personal por un dictador y, si es de público de Bosnia-Herzegovina, que había sido víctima de la dictadura de Tito, y la agresión serbia Tito „JNA“, tolera o no la libertad de los medios de comunicación en Bosnia y Herzegovina críticas contra el antiguo régimen comunista yugoslavo, esto no quiere decir que el Sr. Zeljko Komsic ser brutalmente manipular Bosnia-Herzegovina o del público con distinguidos invitados, como Angelina Jolie y UNHCR en Sarajevo, que procedía de nobles intenciones para ayudar a Bosnia y Herzegovina y de sus ciudadanos que fueron víctimas de la guerra.

El ańo pasado, la Comisión Nacional de E Slovenia para el estudio de las fosas comunes ocultas revelan monstruoso crimen que ha sido ordenado y Yugoslava partidistas líder comunista Josip Broz - Tito „Hudo Jama“ que fueron brutalmente ejecutados sin juicio, y los ciudadanos de Bosnia y Herzegovina tanto, Zeljko Komsic, como representante del pueblo Croata en Bosnia y Herzegovina debe ser tenido en cuenta y expresar las víctimas piedad del comunismo, no magnificar su verdugo bajo cuyo régimen totalitario en la antigua prisión de la gente de la antigua Yugoslavia, las repúblicas de Bosnia y Herzegovina fue un instrumento de manipulación y la imposición de la hegemonía serbia a través de las políticas de personal de los comunistas partido.

Por lo tanto, condenamos las reliquias del pasado en una dividida Bosnia y Herzegovina en la que la entidad llamada. "República Serbia" glorifica al criminal de guerra Radovan Karadzic, en la Federación de Bosnia y Herzegovina penal Tito!

Estado democrático y jurídico de Bosnia y Herzegovina con naciones iguales, no hay otra alternativa.

Croatian Center for the Investigation of Crimes of Communism

We will not be satisfied until the right does not flow like water and righteousness like a torrent!
Martin Luther King Jr.

Press Release

Zagreb, August 22th 2010

The Sarajevo manipulation of Angelina Jolie

Croatian Center for the Investigation of Crimes of Communism strongly protested against the manipulation carried out by Zeljko Komsic, a member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, during a meeting with ambassadors of the United Nations to protect refugees, war victims, UNHCR, Mrs. Angelina Jolie, which he received in his office, and exhibited her presence of a public scandal and shooting portraits of the greatest criminal under the area of South-Eastern Europe, Marshal Tito, Yugoslavia's communist dictator and tyrant, who, together with the bearers of the dictatorship and the atrocities of the Communist Party on two occasions condemned the Council of Europe (1996th and 2006th) and the European Parliament on August 23th 2009 issued a resolution condemning all authoritarian and totalitarian regimes on the occasion of anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (the Pact between the Soviet Union and 3rd Reich), and marked the August 23rd as a memorial day in remembrance of all victims of fascism and communism!

If Mr. Zeljko Komsic cultivates personal sympathy for a dictator and if he is of Bosnian-Herzegovinian public, which had been the victim of Tito's dictatorship, and the Serbian aggression Tito's Yugoslav army, tolerated, or non-freedom of the media in BiH stifling criticism of the former Yugoslav communist regime, this does not mean that Mr. Zeljko Komsic can brutally manipulate Bosnia-Herzegovina or the public with distinguished guests such as Angelina Jolie and UNHCR in Sarajevo who came from noble intentions to help Bosnia and Herzegovina and its citizens who were victims of war.

Last year, the Slovenian National Commission for the study of hidden mass graves reveal monstrous crime that has been ordered and Yugoslav partisan communist leader Josip Broz - Tito in „Huda Jama“ (near Laško by Ljubljana) which were brutally put to death without trial, and the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and tossed and hidden in a mass grave in the ditch coal mines of St. Barbara!

Therefore, Zeljko Komsic, as a representative of the Croatian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina should be taken into account and express piety to victims of communism, rather than magnify their executioner under whose totalitarian regime in the former prison of peoples of former Yugoslavia, its republics of Bosnia and Herzegovina was an instrument of manipulation and the imposition of Serbian hegemony through the personnel policies of the Communist Party.

Therefore, we condemn relics of the past in a divided Bosnia and Herzegovina in which the entity called "Serbian Republic" glorifies war criminal Radovan Karadzic, in the Federation BiH criminal Tito!

Democratic and legal state of Bosnia and Herzegovina with equal nations, there is no alternative.

Post je objavljen 22.08.2010. u 17:30 sati.