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Russian spy suspect allegedly had Seduction lawyers trying to infiltrate British politics

according to coach outlet reported that
the British media continue to dig the Russian great , " femme fatale " Chapman 's espionage plans , found her in addition to William and Harry trying to reach the outside , and he would use and beauty , make someone famous Queen's House of Lords Lawyers, paving the way for her infiltration British politics .

By Chapman , " Seduction , " the Queen's Counsel status unknown , but the event has become the House of Lords , then heat , QC, Hill said: "I would also like to know who , but whoever he is on good luck Because she was so charming , I think of Keeler . " Hill said Keeler , is the glamorous mistress of a Russian spy , the war in 1963, former British minister Profumo and Keeler on account of the involvement of sex scandal Step down .

British Military Intelligence ( coach bags ) to continue to expand the investigation into the spy , the British authorities suspected Chapman 5 years may be recruited in other Russian spy , his friend and partner cross-examination per capita as the object . MI5 also believe that the Russian Embassy in London that half of the staff, or as many as 35 people are agents , also available in more than 20 Russian spy submarine body as a civilian community , the authorities are investigating whether they are related with Chapman .

Ex-husband Alex that Chapman is in the United Kingdom were recruited as the Russian spy , but also that she never pursuit of material , but then suddenly chasing fame and fortune, wearing Prada, Gucci, wearing a Cartier diamond table Participate in the film premiere , access celebrity club , with Britain and other wealthy retail between large Hengge Lin . Chapman friends, renegade former KGB agent Gordiyevski believe that she was a Russian diplomat from the " coach handbags training " to become spies .

Chapman alleged that Russian spy , the hot social networking site into the search object, and another woman because the exigencies of the same name , from last week's surge in popularity at Facebook , but the Chapman clarified that on busy : "I'm not Russian spies . "

( Editor : cheap coach bags )


Post je objavljen 06.07.2010. u 04:06 sati.