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Avoid the fables: cat escape the shadow of tricks

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"Shadow really hate!" Cat Tom and Toby thinks this way, "we must get rid of it."
However, wherever you go, Tom and Toby found wherever there is sunlight, they will see that they are crazy in their own shadow.
However, Tom and Toby finally have found their own solutions. Tom is always with your eyes closed. Toby's approach is to always stay in the shadows of other things.

 coach bags Comment psychological explanation of this parable, a little mental problem is how to become more psychological problems.
Can say that all mental problems are related to the distortion of the facts. What facts? We mainly those suffering negative events.
Because of the painful experience, we do not want to face the negative events. However, in the event before, this is doomed to negative events with our lives, we can do, at most, but is repressed to the unconscious to them, this is the so-called forgotten.
However, they remain in the subconscious will continue to play a role. And even if we have forgotten the fact that another severe, the pain associated with these facts will still attack us so that we somehow sad, and can not suppress. This pain Let us further effort to escape.
Development to the end, the usual solution is to these two: either, as we like Tom kitten, completely distorting their own experience of life in all the important facts are ignored negative; or, as we like cats Toby, pain altogether surrendered to all of their things were very bad, since everything is so bad, so they are most sad that the original event is not so painful.
Baiyun mental hospital consultant, said coach handbags , 99% of drug users had a painful experience. The reason they drugs, is to make their escape the pain. It is like hide in the shadows, the painful truth is a devil, the devil in order to avoid this, simply to sell more of the devil himself.
There are many alcoholic adults, they had an alcoholic and abusive dad, and put the father of a lot of torture. To forget the pain, they learn the same way.
In addition to these visible things the wrong way, we humans also invented numerous types of all kinds of ways to escape suffering, Freud referred to these methods of psychological defense mechanisms. Too painful, these defense mechanisms are necessary, but worse, if the psychological defense mechanisms to distort the fact too hard, it will bring more psychological problems, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, multiple personality, or even schizophrenia.
Really only one way to reach health --- face the pain. Facing the pain would get from the pain of many surprises, they will eventually become the life of the party of wealth.
Remember: shadow and light, as is the wealth of life.
One of the most important psychological law that, no matter how painful, you are the order of the day. You can only go to brave face it, solve it, beyond it, and it finally settled. If you own a temporary lack of power, you can find help, find friends and relatives to help, or seek professional help, people you trust to accompany you to go with the face of these painful things.
Rogers, American psychologist, who is the most lonely person, but when he resolved to face this fact and after he became a true master of human relations; U.S. psychologist Frank has a brutal and alcoholic stepfather and a bad mother But when he challenges the fact and finally from the heart to forgive his parents, he became an expert treatment of this issue; Japanese psychologist Morita Shoma was a severe neurological disorder, but he challenges the fact and finally through the invention of the the Morita therapy ... ... their lives the most painful facts eventually become their most important asset. You can do the same.

(Editor: cheap coach bags )


Post je objavljen 01.07.2010. u 04:52 sati.