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Canadian GP 2010: Qualifying; Hamilton pole position, Vettel 3rd

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Pobijedivši Marka Webbera u završnici kvalifikacija za Veliku nagradu Kanade, McLarenov vozač Lewis Hamilton je prekinuo Red Bullov niz pole positiona koji traje još od bahreinskog GP vikenda.
Hamilton se na početku posljednjeg kvalifikacijskog segmenta s vremenom od 1:15.500 činio nedodirljivim, no Webber i Alonso su ga uspjeli preskočiti u svojim drugim letećim krugovima. Baš kao i Hamilton, Alonso je finalni kvalifikacijski segment također vozio na mekšim gumama, dok je se Webber odlučio za tvrđe gume koje bi trebale biti izdržljivije na utrci.
No, Hamilton im je uskoro uzvratio udarac i posljednji leteći krug je odvozio za više od dvije desetinke brže. Nakon toga je se parkirao na stazi jer je ostao bez goriva.
Webber je zadržao drugo mjesto, no njegov momčadski kolega Sebastian Vettel je uspio preskočiti Alonsa i pomaknuti ga na četvrtu startnu poziciju.
Sporiji McLarenov vozač, Jenson Button će u sutrašnju utrku krenuti s petog mjesta, dok je iznenađujuće šesto najbrže vrijeme odvozio Force Indijin vozač Vitantonio Liuzzi.
Felipe Massa i Robert Kubica dijele četvrti red, a slijede ih Adrian Sutil i Nico Rosberg.
Iznenađenje kvalifikacija je bio Michael Schumacher, koji se prvi put ove sezone nije uspio kvalificirati u Q3. Schumacher je eliminiran u posljednjim sekundama drugog kvalifikacijskog segmenta, nakon čega je napravio i pogrešku u posljednjoj šikani u pokušaju da unaprijedi svoje vrijeme.
Nakon što su Williamsovi vozači popravili svoja vremena i zauzeli šesti startni red, Schumacher je deplasiran na 13. mjesto te će u utrku krenuti uz Vitalija Petrova, a ispred Toro Rossovih vozača.

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Rezultati kvalifikacija:
01. L. Hamilton McLaren-Mercedes 1:15.889 1:15.528 1:15.105
02. M. Webber RBR-Renault 1:16.423 1:15.692 1:15.373*
03. S. Vettel RBR-Renault 1:16.129 1:15.556 1:15.420
04. F. Alonso Ferrari 1:16.171 1:15.597 1:15.435
05. J. Button McLaren-Mercedes 1:16.371 1:15.742 1:15.520
06. V. Liuzzi Force India-Mercedes 1:17.086 1:16.171 1:15.648
07. F. Massa Ferrari 1:16.673 1:16.314 1:15.688
08. R. Kubica Renault 1:16.370 1:15.682 1:15.715
09. A. Sutil Force India-Mercedes 1:16.495 1:16.295 1:15.881
10. N. Rosberg Mercedes GP 1:16.350 1:16.001 1:16.071

11. R. Barrichello Williams-Cosworth 1:16.880 1:16.434
12. N. Hulkenberg Williams-Cosworth 1:16.770 1:16.438
13. M. Schumacher Mercedes GP 1:16.598 1:16.492
14. V. Petrov Renault 1:16.569 1:16.844
15. S. Buemi STR-Ferrari 1:17.356 1:16.928
16. J. Alguersuari STR-Ferrari 1:17.027 1:17.029
17. P. de la Rosa BMW Sauber-Ferrari 1:17.611 1:17.384

18. K. Kobayashi BMW Sauber-Ferrari 1:18.019
19. H. Kovalainen Lotus-Cosworth 1:18.237
20. J. Trulli Lotus-Cosworth 1:18.698
21. T. Glock Virgin-Cosworth 1:18.941
22. B. Senna HRT-Cosworth 1:19.484
23. L. di Grassi Virgin-Cosworth 1:19.675
24. K. Chandhok HRT-Cosworth 1:27.757

*Kažnjen s 5. mjesta nižeg starta zbog promjenje mijenjača

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SV: “It was a pretty entertaining session, especially Q3. We went out on the hard tyres, which take a while to come in. We knew that and to be honest I didn’t get a good lap in until the very last lap, so it wasn’t perfect timing, but it worked. My final lap wasn’t that clean, so I’m happy I made it to third today; it’s good. Looking to tomorrow, I think I should have a good start as I’m on the inside. I’m happy that both Mark and I made it to these positions with what is, from my point of view, the right tyre. Yesterday’s practice showed that the soft tyre is quite difficult to last for more than a couple of laps.”

Press Conference:

Pres Conferencija s troje najbržih vozača: Lewis Hamilton (McLaren), Mark Webber (Red Bull) i Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull). Ovdje su samo Vettelovi odgovori, ali ako želite pročitati cijelu možete OVDJE.

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Q: Sebastian, another cracking battle with Mark. This time the margin five-one-hundredths-of-a-second but once again in his favour.
Sebastian Vettel: Yeah, I mean it was a pretty entertaining last session. Q3 especially. Obviously we went out on the hard tyres and they take a while to come in. We knew that. To be honest I didn’t get a lap in until the very last lap, so it was not the perfect timing, but it worked. The lap was not very clean, so I am still happy that I even made it third, so it is good. Tomorrow I think I should have a good start. I am starting on the... well, both sides are really even, but I am starting on the inside, so let’s see what we can do and I am very happy that both of us made it with, from my point of view, the right tyre. After yesterday’s practice we have seen the soft tyre is quite difficult to last for more than a couple of laps.

Q: Sebastian, we saw you lose one of your laps with a little trip across the kerb at the final chicane. Might it have all been different if you hadn’t gone off?
SV: It was a similar lap to the last one but surely it was the first time I had to cut the chicane this weekend and obviously it was bad timing. I don’t know, I probably had too much time in the third qualifying session with five laps. You don’t have the feeling that ‘this is the lap’ and you have to deliver, so you drive around and you warm up your tyres. So in the end, I had only one lap. I think I could have been quite a bit quicker but that’s life sometimes. It wasn’t my best qualifying session but still it’s obviously very crucial here to qualifying at the front. Looking at the strategy, I think that McLaren are hoping for a safety car. We don’t know, there’s no guarantee but we will see tomorrow. It’s a long race, I think we are in a good position. I’m starting on the inside, so yeah, I’m looking forward to the race.

Q: Did you make many changes since yesterday?
SV: A bit, not too many to be honest. I think we had quite a good balance. I was very happy after yesterday. Generally, I think we are looking very competitive, probably more competitive than people would have thought. We’re much closer to McLaren and I think in race speed we should be able to really fight them, so let’s see tomorrow.

Hamilton ostao bez goriva (most see):

Sutra će važnu ulogu imati gume. Hamilton je na mekanim, koje mogu trajati nekoliko krugova, dok su Red Bullovi vozači na tvrđim te bi im to trebala biti prednost. Ne očekujem sutra neku dobru utrku za Vettela, ali mu naravno želim pobjedu koju nije osvojio još od Malezije.

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Post je objavljen 12.06.2010. u 23:15 sati.