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Canadian GP 2010: Thursday at Montreal; Q&A with Vettel

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Intervju s Sebastianom iz Montreala. Seb je odgovorio na pitanja o Svjetskom nogometnom prvenstvu, o prednosti McLarena u Kanadi te o izgleda još ne riješenoj situaciji u Red Bullu između njega i Webbera:

Q: Sebastian, as a passionate soccer fan what is your prediction for the match between Germany and Australia this coming Sunday? Especially as the pairing is a bit juicy from a Red Bull Racing point of view…
Sebastian Vettel: Germany will clearly win the match as Australia is the weakest team in our group, so winning should be imperative, even though Mark (Webber) has a different opinion on that. But as we know, the both of us have lately had some different opinions on things anyway.

Q: Did Mark and you have had the chance to clear up certain different opinions in the meantime?
SV: Yes, we did. Everything is cleared now and for this race we will start from zero. I personally think that McLaren will be very strong here in Montreal.

Q: After the Istanbul accident the coverage regarding you personally was rather bad. Is this getting to you?
SV: Not really. For me it is more important what is being discussed internally, and there everything is cleared up. So there are no open questions left. What is being written in the press is something that I cannot influence anyway, and most of the time it’s just a snapshot of what really has happened. Sometimes comments are against oneself and sometimes in favour. That is life I guess. Whatever has happened in Istanbul has happened and it’s passed now. We will not get these points back. On that we have been very generous and have given out quite some presents, and now we have 12 races ahead and we have to use them.

Q: How would you describe this peace summit?
SV: Well, it was not really spectacular. We were sitting around the table and after five minutes the topic was basically through. The essence of it was that we have to look forward and to be motivated for the next race, to be at the front again.
Whatever has been discussed to prevent such things, it is then down to this very moment on the track. Of course it should never happen again, and I strongly believe that it won’t.

Q: How long did it take you to handle this situation?
SV: It was quite quick for me. I think everybody could see my reaction after getting out of the car. And when I looked at the car from the outside I was quite sure that I would not make any points, nor be on the podium.

Q: Do you have any comments on the extension of Mark’s contract until the end of 2011? And what about the rumours that you will extend your contract until 2015?
SV: I’ve known this piece of information a little longer than the public. I will be there until the end of 2011 myself, so the line-up will remain the same for the team and that brings us a certain stability. In regards to the rumours, I can say that we have not spoken as of yet about this topic, as 2015 is quite some time into the future.

Q: How surprised are you by Mark’s form this year, compared to last year when you have easily outperformed him? This year it’s the other way round…
SV: If you look at the past races, then you will most probably see that I have not had the best fortune. But still with the amount of trouble that I had, we are still in very good shape. Of course we are not where we’d like to be in the championship, but still the gap to the leaders is not too big. Mark did a good job last year, and he is doing one this year. It’s just me that should be closer.

Q: For the first time this year we come to a race where opinion suggests Red Bull are not favourites. What is your feeling on how it will work for you here in Montreal?
SV: Maybe it looks like that, but I believe that we are very strong also here. If we have learned something out of the last seven races, it is that regardless of which type of track it was, our car was very strong on all of them. The next two tracks, Montreal and Valencia, have a lot of corners, but also a couple of big straights, so they are both medium downforce level tracks. As to whether we are able to be in front, we will see, but for me I think that we can be.

Slike Sebastiana iz Montreala:

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Post je objavljen 10.06.2010. u 23:06 sati.