Odlazak velikog debelog ružičastog zmaja/The departure of the big fat pink dragon
Dragi Naši
oslikavanje zida u Branimirovoj već je stara vijest, ali uvik je vrijedna osvrta. Oslikavanje je organizira MUU-Muzej ulične umjetnosti i novi grafiti stvarno su priporodili tmurnu Branimirovu. Kroz koju sad svi prohodu s osmjehom na licu i ne gledaju isprid sebe nego šareni zid.
Ali malo, samo malo, nan je ža što je pripituran naš najdraži grafit. Veliki, debeli, ružičasti zmaj.
The Museum of Street Art in Zagreb organised painting of murals on a wall of a long street in Zagreb. There were some 10 years old grafitti there and they were all ugly and dirty. The new graffiti really the revived gloomy street. The passersby are now havening a huge smile on their faces and they do not look in front of themselves but into the beautifull wall.
But we do miss our favourite graffiti. The big, fat, pink dragon (That’s what it says on the graffiti: Watch out! The big, fat, pink dragon!)
Ali, Veliki debeli ružičasti Zmaj se ni da tek tako. Prvo ga je pripituralo napola.
But big fat pink Dragon didn’t want to give in without the fight. First half of it was painted over.
Onda ga je pokrilo medvjedom. Zadovoljni smo, rascvjetani medvjed umisto ružičastog zmaja. Ni moglo boje.
Then it was covered with the bear. We7re happy, a blooming bear over the pink dragon. As good as it gets.
Ali druga polovica je patila. Jer umitnik ne stigne.
But the other half got stucked. Because the artist couldn’t make it in time. He wrote: I’m working 0-24, Mon-Fri I’ll finish the wall on Saturday.
Zid je bi svečano otvoren, ali ovi nesrićnik još ni stiga zgotovit. Vrag odni prišu.
The wall was officially opened but the poor guy didn’t finish it yet. Who cares, quick and well-done do not agree, says a proverb
Kotilo se, kotilo i nakon dugog čekanja drugu polovicu zmaja zaminili su plesači-padači. Sviđaju nan se.
Yes, it did took some time, but finally the other half of the dragon was replaced by the falling dancers. We like it.