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Australian GP 2010: Qualifying; Red Bull rules in Melbourne, Seb Pole

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Sebastian Vettel je danas u Melbourneu došao do svog sedmog pole positiona u karijeri, a to mu je ujedno i drugi uzastopni od početka ove sezone.
Red Bull Racingovi vozači, Sebastian Vettel i Mark Webber će sutrašnju Veliku nagradu Australije startati iz prvog reda, nakon što su dominirali kvalifikacijama koje su se danas vozile u tmurnom Albert Parku.
Red Bullov RB6 je bio uvjerljivo najbrži bolid tijekom sva tri kvalifikacijska segmenta, a Vettel je pole izborio sa samo desetinkom prednosti u odnosu na momčadskog kolegu. Njegovo najbrže vijeme od 1:23.919 je ujedno i najbrže od početka GP vikenda te je to jedini krug ispod granice od 1m24s.
Staza u Albert Parku je se značajno ohladila do posljednjeg kvalifikacijskog segmenta od čijeg se samog početka činilo da Red Bullove vozače nitko neće moći ugroziti.
Jedini koji je, osim Vettela, izravno pretendirao na prvu poziciju je bio njegov momčadski kolega Mark Webber, no Australac je izgubio vijeme u središnjem sektoru staze te se na kraju morao zadovoljiti drugim mjestom.
Dvojici u Red Bullu je se najviše približio Ferrarijev vozač Fernando Alonso, koji za poleom kasni dvije desetinke. Španjolac će u sutrašnju utrku krenuti iz drugog statnog reda kojeg dijeli s Jensonom Buttonom.
Šest desetinki za pole positionom kasni McLarenov vozač Jenson Button koji je na četvrtom mjestu, a dodatne dvije desetinke kasni Felipe Massa u drugom Ferrariju.
Mercedesovi vozači su danas imali problema s mekšim gumama te su na kraju uzeli tek šesto i sedmo startno mjesto. Nico Rosberg je ponovno bio brži od svojeg momčadskog kolege Michaela Schumachera.
Krug prve desetorice zatvaraju Rubens Barrichello, Robert Kubica i Adrian Sutil, dok je na 11. mjestu ujedno i najveće iznenađenje današnjih kvalifikacija - Lewis Hamilton.
Hamilton je odustao od svog prvog letećeg kruga, nakon čega je se vratio u garažu, da bi se u završnici sesije na istom setu guma vratio na stazu i odvozio sedmo najbrže vrijeme. No, kako su drugi vozači napredovali, Hamilton je padao u poretku, a pala je performansa i njegovih guma, kao i količina goriva u MP4-25.
Sutil, Barrichello i Kubica su se tako uspjeli pridružiti vozačima vodeće četiri momčadi u finalnom kvalifikacijskom segmentu, dok su prethodno eliminirani Toro Rossovi i Sauberovi vozači, te Nico Hulkenberg i Vitantonio Liuzzi.
Vitalij Petrov u Renaultu je bio jedini vozač etabliranih momčadi koji je ispao već u Q1, dok je Sebastien Buemi većinu vremena proveo na samom rubu, da bi posljednjim pokušajem letećeg kruga izgurao Petrova.
Rus je pokušao uzvratiti udarac i činilo se da će uspjeti proći dalje, no izletio je u 12. zavoju, nakon što se stražnji kraj njegovog R30 zanio.
Kao što se i očekivalo, šestorica vozača novih momčadi su eliminirana već u Q1.

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Rezultati kvalifikacija:
01. S. Vettel Red Bull-Renault 1:24.774 1:24.096 1:23.919
02. M. Webber Red Bull-Renault 1:25.286 1:24.276 1:24.035
03. F. Alonso Ferrari 1:25.082 1:24.335 1:24.111
04. J. Button McLaren-Mercedes 1:24.897 1:24.531 1:24.675
05. F. Massa Ferrari 1:25.548 1:25.010 1:24.837
06. N. Rosberg Mercedes 1:24.788 1:24.788 1:24.884
07. M. Schumacher Mercedes 1:25.351 1:24.871 1:24.927
08. R. Barrichello Williams-Cosworth 1:25.702 1:25.085 1:25.217
09. R. Kubica Renault 1:25.588 1:25.122 1:25.372
10. A. Sutil Force India-Mercedes 1:25.504 1:25.046 1:26.036

11. L. Hamilton McLaren-Mercedes 1:25.046 1:25.184
12. S. Buemi Toro Rosso-Ferrari 1:26.061 1:25.638
13. V. Liuzzi Force India-Mercedes 1:26.170 1:25.743
14. P. de la Rosa Sauber-Ferrari 1:26.089 1:25.747
15. N. Hulkenberg Williams-Cosworth 1:25.866 1:25.748
16. K. Kobayashi Sauber-Ferrari 1:26.251 1:25.777
17. J. Alguersuari Toro Rosso-Ferrari 1:26.095 1:26.089

18. V. Petrov Renault 1:26.471
19. H. Kovalainen Lotus-Cosworth 1:28.797
20. J. Trulli Lotus-Cosworth 1:29.111
21. T. Glock Virgin-Cosworth 1:29.592
22. L. di Grassi Virgin-Cosworth 1:30.185
23. B. Senna HRT-Cosworth 1:30.526
24. K. Chandhok HRT-Cosworth 1:30.613

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SV: “A great result for the team. It’s obviously Mark’s home race here - but he got pole in Germany, so it’s kind of revenge (laughs)! But, it’s a long race tomorrow. I think we made a good step with the car ahead of today’s qualifying. The final session was all about if it would rain or not, so we waited a little bit at the start. My first lap in Q3 was the quickest and it was spot on until the last three corners. I was on the edge through Turn 14, but then I lost a little bit in last corner going on to the main straight. It was a very good lap up until that point though and the result says it all. I’m looking forward to tomorrow.”

Press Conference:

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Pres konferencija troje najbrže kvalificiranih vozača na VN Australije: Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull), Mark Webber (Red Bull) i Fernando Alonso (Ferrari). Tu su samo Vettelovi odgovori, ali ako želite pročitati cijelu možete OVDJE.

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Q: Sebastian, what a lap. The final sector of it you were hanging it off the edge of the kerbs, you were all over the place. You certainly spoiled the day for the Webber fans here in Melbourne.
Sebastian Vettel: Yeah, I think obviously first of all it is a great result for both of us and for the team. Mark’s home race, so it is a little bit funny remembering last year from Germany, so kind of revenge but it is a long race tomorrow. But coming back to qualifying, I think we did a good step into qualifying with the car, improving it, and the final session was all about ‘does it start to rain or not.’ Everyone went out. We waited a little bit and the first lap was the quickest and just spot on everywhere until I reached the last three corners. I would say turn 14, the fast right hander, I was still on the edge and okay but after that I think I lost a little bit, especially the last corner onto the main straight. It was a very good lap up to that point. I was very happy. I think the result says it all, so looking forward to tomorrow. It is quite good to start at the front. We don’t know how messy it might get tomorrow, safety car, no safety car. There is always a lot happening in Albert Park but it is good to be on pole. The clean side as well, so I am very happy.

Q: Sebastian, you said on the radio at the end that ‘we will show them’. Do you feel you have something to prove and , if so, who is them?
SV: Everyone else. I got the call P1 and Mark P2, so at the end of the day you are a team and the result in Bahrain for both of us, myself and Mark, was probably not as the car is. We have got another chance here. There are lots of races this year but it is quickly said on the radio, things like that. We are all motivated and I am looking forward to tomorrow.

Q: Sebastian, we spoke about the final sector. That was also where both the two Red Bull cars were particularly strong. What was the trick to that?
SV: Nail it! I think that the car has been working well yesterday. I think I was a bit behind Mark in the first two practice sessions and overnight we did a step forward. I think to qualifying again it was another step and then it was pretty much head to head. You were talking about the first run in Q3. We were all the teams in the same situation. We didn’t know if it would start to rain or not. We had the forecast of some drizzle, but you never know how strong that is going to be. It can easily spoil your lap. I think that the first run I had in Q3, the first two sectors were spot on. The third sector was getting a bit messy towards the end, so I lost it a little bit into 15, braking a bit late and I had not so clean an exit onto the main straight, so it wasn’t ideal but still it was enough. For all of us we are trying to push so hard and trying to get every single bit out of the car. Especially here in Melbourne it is very easy to overshoot on entry and therefore have a bad exit or be too patient on entry and therefore having a good exit but having lost the time on the entrance of the corner. It is always a compromise to find. I like the circuit. It is very bumpy, very rough, but you really need to concentrate hard. Being on pole positions is a great achievement from all of us. Mark second, so it is the best possible result for the team, so looking forward to the race.

Q: You have never finished here, but you have only been here twice. What are the major factors in the race going to be? How difficult is the car to drive on the bumps under braking?
SV: Well, I think the main thing is to finish. See the chequered flag this time. Last year we were close, only a couple of laps. But today was qualifying. Similar to Bahrain, Saturday is completely different to Sunday. Now we have a rough idea what is happening on Sunday, meaning that everyone of us will jump into the car with a lot of fuel in the car and it will be totally different. I think it will be even more bumpy and more difficult to control. It is a very long race. You need to focus on your own race, keeping the car on the track and at the same time managing your tyres plus trying to keep the car always on the limit. On top of that Albert Park is well known for any kind of happenings. I remember two years back only seven cars finished, so safety car, accidents, could be quite messy, so the main thing is to have a tidy race and bring the car home. Starting first that‘s where you want to finish as well.

Q: (Paolo Ianieri - La Gazzetta dello Sport) Sebastian, in Bahrain you were surrounded by the two Ferraris. Here you have Mark on your side. Which is the better situation?
SV: I think clearly to have Mark here. As Mark said before we were pushing each other hard in qualifying and now we sit here first and second. That is a great achievement. It is better than having two Ferraris up here and only one Red Bull.

Q: (Livio Oricchio - O Estado de Sao Paulo) Vettel, in the last race on softer tyres, it looks like you had a little bit better performance than Ferrari and when you used hard tyres, it looked Alonso was maybe a little bit better. Considering what you saw in free practice, what can you expect from the race?
SV: Well, I think this is a different circuit here, different tyres as well, soft and hard, but they are both different to Bahrain, so I think, as Fernando has already mentioned, the lap times on Friday weren’t really representative. Everyone is doing whatever he thinks is best for his kind of preparation, either qualifying, something in between, or race. I think we will have a good car in the race. To be honest, I don’t think you have to be a genius if you look at yesterday, we didn’t really focus on qualifying too much. I think it makes us confident for the race and we should have a good car, so Fernando was saying that they have a new front wing on the car, only a couple of hundredths or as Mark said it could be two hundred hundredths. Obviously it’s not that much but everyone is trying to push, trying to improve. I think tomorrow it will be much more about having a tidy race as it is likely that a lot of things happen here: safety cars, as we said already. There’s usually a lot of action at Albert Park. I hope for a boring race and we finish as we start. I’m sorry for you but we didn’t really get the job done in Bahrain, so we will try to do it here.

Q: (Heikki Kulta - Turun Sanomat) I was about to ask how boring it could be; can you promise a more colourful race for the TV spectators?
SV: Well, I think yes, because this circuit has an edge that there is simply more action than probably in Bahrain, so more things happening. The circuit’s not that long, so you might also have more situations lapping cars, lapping groups which can always be a dangerous situation for yourself and for them as well. There’s not a lot of run-off whereas in Bahrain, if you maybe do a mistake you just run wide and you come back. Here it always looks nice on TV but it feels horrible in the car, as I felt yesterday. It’s immediately gravel or something that isn’t that smooth. Yeah, I think we will have more excitement tomorrow just because of the circuit, first of all. Secondly, I think it’s a bit closer here than it was in Bahrain. It’s also a shorter track, so it’s natural, and lastly, as Fernando said, we don’t know the weather yet. There’s usually always sunshine in Australia, so I don’t know what’s wrong this year. You never know what happens. Just a couple of drops on the circuit can make a difference. So you keep the car on the track and try to bring it home. For us, I think the target is clear.

Q: (Paolo Ianieri - La Gazzetta dello Sport) Sebastian, we have seen that the Red Bull is a fast car, but the reliability is probably not at its best. What do you have to do with the team, how have you spoken to them to try to avoid the problems that you had in Bahrain? Are you worried about it?
SV: Well, it’s not fair to say that we are struggling with reliability. In Bahrain, we were obviously a bit unlucky with the failure that we had. A spark plug failure doesn’t really happen too often but it happened in that case. The main thing is that we carried on and we still finished fourth. I think Mark had a solid race in Bahrain. If you look at reliability, I think it was quite boring for him to follow another car for the whole race and not be able to pass, even though he was probably quicker. To come back, I think we have nothing to fear. We have good and strong people on board. If there’s any indication that we might have a weakness here or there, which, to be frank with you, in testing it’s natural, I think, because the car is new because you always have some problems here and there to solve. We solved them and so far we’ve had no issues. In that regard I’m quite confident.

Poslastica za kraj je Vettelov krug kojim je napravio rekord staze i naravno osvojio pole position:

Sebastian Vettel Melbourne Pole lap from f1onboardchannel on Vimeo.

Kvalifikacije su bile apsolutno predobre, i stvarno sam uživala, sutra očekujem sve najbolje u utrci.

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Post je objavljen 27.03.2010. u 09:19 sati.