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Bahrain GP 2010: Qualifying; Sebastian on Pole positon!!!

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Red Bull Racingov vozač Sebastian Vettel je danas u Bahreinu došao do svog šestog pole positiona u karijeri. Prvi startni red dijeli s Felipeom Massom.
Dvadesetdvogodišnji Sebastian Vettel je osvojio prvi ovosezonski pole position za Red Bull Racing, pobijedivši dva Ferrarijeva vozača.
Felipe Massa je na kraju imao bolje vrijeme od momčadskog kolege Fernanda Alonsa te s Vettelom dijeli prvi startni red, dok će Michael Schumacher svoju prvu utrku nakon trogodišnje stanke startati sa sedmog mjesta, odmah ispred Jensona Buttona u McLarenu.
Provizorni pole u Q3 najprije je držao Fernando Alonso, a Ferrari je bio jedna od rijetkih momčadi koja se u posljednjem kvalifikacijskom segmentu odlučila za dva leteća kruga.
No, Vettelovih 1:54.101 je u samom startu za čak devet desetinki bilo brže od Alonsovog vremena, a do kraja kvalifikacija ga nitko nije uspio ozbiljno ugroziti.
Oba Ferrarija su unaprijedila svja vremena u drugom pokušaju, no ovog je puta bio brži Massa i to za 0.366 sek prednosti u odnosu na Alonsa.
Prvi krug u Q3 Lewisa Hamiltona je bio za 1.8 sek sporiji od Ferrarijevih vozača. Englez je bio bolji u drugom pokušaju, no i dalje je bio sporiji od Vettela.
Najbrži Mercedesov vozač je bio Nico Rosberg s petim najbržim vremenom, a slijedi ga Mark Webber u Red Bull Racingu i momčadski kolega Michael Schumacher.
Jenson Button je u Q2 imao kritični trenutak budući da je u jednom trenutku bio tek 11. najbrži. U sljedećem pokušaju je bio lagano bolji. Taj mu je pokušaj osigurao osmo mjesto, pomaknuvši Rubensa Barrichella na 11.
Deveto startno mjesto ima Robert Kubica, a Sutilovo 10. demonstrira Force Indijinu brzinu koju su pokazali tijekom predsezonskih priprema.
Najbrži rookie danas na kvalifikacijama je bio Williamsov vozač Nico Hulkenberg koji je imao 13. najbrže vrijeme. Renaultov vozač Vitalij Petrov je bio 17. najbrži.
S obzirom da nitko nije očekivao da će nove momčadi proći Q1, upravo je prvi kvalifikacijski segment odlučio njihov poredak. Jednako tako, u prvom segmentu su ispali i Sauberovi vozači, a isto vrijedi i za Toro Rossovog vozača Jaime Alguersuarija, kojeg je pomalo divlje zanošenje stražnjeg kraja u posljednjem krugu stajalo prolaska dalje.
Virgin Racing je bila najbolja nova momčad, a njihovog vozača Tima Glocka slijedi Lotusov - Jarno Trulli.
Karun Chandhok je napokon uspio doći na stazu. Indijac je za vodećim vremenom kasnio 10 sekundi, što je bilo i očekivano, no ohrabrujući za njega jezaostatak od 1.7 sekunde u odnosu na momčadskog kolegu Bruna Sennu.

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Rezultati kvalifikacija:
01. S. Vettel Red Bull-Renault 1:55.029 1:53.883 1:54.101
02. F. Massa Ferrari 1:55.313 1:54.331 1:54.242
03. F. Alonso Ferrari 1:54.612 1:54.172 1:54.608
04. L. Hamilton McLaren-Mercedes 1:55.341 1:54.707 1:55.217
05. N. Rosberg Mercedes 1:55.463 1:54.682 1:55.241
06. M. Webber Red Bull-Renault 1:55.298 1:54.318 1:55.284
07. M. Schumacher Mercedes 1:55.593 1:55.105 1:55.524
08. J. Button McLaren-Mercedes 1:55.715 1:55.168 1:55.672
09. R. Kubica Renault 1:55.511 1:54.963 1:55.885
10. A. Sutil Force India-Mercedes 1:55.213 1:54.996 1:56.309

11. R. Barrichello Williams-Cosworth 1:55.969 1:55.330
12. V. Liuzzi Force India-Mercedes 1:55.628 1:55.653
13. N. Hulkenberg Williams-Cosworth 1:56.375 1:55.857
14. P. de la Rosa Sauber-Ferrari 1:56.428 1:56.237
15. S. Buemi Toro Rosso-Ferrari 1:56.189 1:56.265
16. K. Kobayashi Sauber-Ferrari 1:56.541 1:56.270
17. V. Petrov Renault 1:56.167 1:56.619

18. J. Alguersuari Toro Rosso-Ferrari 1:57.071
19. T. Glock Virgin-Cosworth 1:59.728
20. J. Trulli Lotus-Cosworth 1:59.852
21. H. Kovalainen Lotus-Cosworth 2:00.313
22. L. di Grassi Virgin-Cosworth 2:00.587
23. B. Senna HRT-Cosworth 2:03.240
24. K. Chandhok HRT-Cosworth 2:04.904

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SV: “It’s a big surprise to get pole; we didn’t know where we were with performance during the winter testing. Yesterday was a tough day for us, as we didn’t do as much running as we would have liked. It was a long night for the mechanics and there were some tired faces this morning, but everyone was still so keen. I knew we had a good car, qualifying went smoothly and I’m very happy to be on pole. Thanks to the team, they have been so busy during the last month with a lot of testing - to be on top now is a nice feeling.”

Press Conference:

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Pres konferneciju s trojcom najbržih vozača: Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull), Felipe Massa (Ferrari) i Fernando Alonso (Ferrari) s kvalifikacija. tu sam stavila samo Vettelove odgovore, ali ako želite pročitati cijelu možete OVDJE.

Q: Sebastian, the testing did not tell us very much. You have picked up where you left off but how big a surprise is pole position to you?
Sebastian Vettel: A big surprise. I mean in winter testing no-one really knew where we were. Of course it was clear that there were four teams pretty strong, but close to each other. To be honest yesterday it was a very tough day for us and we had not as much running as we were hoping for. Another long night especially for the mechanics, not a lot of sleep, some tired faces, but everyone was still keen this morning to push. I knew we had a great car but first of all you have to get it together. I have to say practice this morning and qualifying went pretty smoothly. Obviously I am very, very happy to be on pole, so thanks to the team. As I said the boys didn’t get much sleep in the last month with a lot of testing in a short amount of time. To come here first time everyone really shows how strong they are and to be on top is definitely a very, very nice feeling.

Q: Sebastian, you start the race on the same tyres you qualified on. Just give us a bit of inkling into your thinking on that?
SV: I think we all don‘t know really what will happen tomorrow. It could be exciting. It could be very boring. That is what I hope for. That is what all of us like to be more or less where we start. I think it is a very difficult situation to be in. The first part of the race will be crucial but on the other hand it is not a big secret that you need to take care of your tyres and the question mark is what you do with your strategy. A lot of things unknown I have to say, so all of us we don’t know what to expect tomorrow.

Q: Sebastian, how exciting was that for you?
SV: Very exciting. Yesterday I have to admit we were not very happy, especially myself. We knew there was potential in the car but we were just not putting it together. On top of that we had some problems, so we did not do a lot of running. But this morning straight away it has been quite a lot better. In qualifying a very smooth session as per plan but it is never easy especially as I saw in the last lap where I saw myself going around one-and-a-half or two-tenths slower around the lap. I was already thinking I have to push push push and it was really close. At the end of qualifying the circuit got a bit more difficult with the conditions changing all the time. The heat here is different to what we had in testing, so you could see people having quite big jumps in lap time either up or down. But concerning ourselves I think it was a good result and a good position to start from, but tomorrow is going to be a long, long race. It is the first race out of 19. It is not going to be a sprint, it is going to be an endurance event, so you have to take care of your car, tyres and so on. But for sure there is no better position to start from than pole position and finally, and I think I am speaking more or less on behalf of all the drivers, give some great respect to Felipe.
FM: Oh, no.
SV: It is very, very difficult, well, I don’t know, you can ask him, but from the outside big respect for what he has achieved. First race he is back and he is bang, bang bang. It is good to have him back.

Q: Did you do a lot of changes to the car overnight or did the track to some extent come to you?
SV: Well, I think the track was not very good to start with yesterday morning but then rubbered in quickly. There was a lot of rubber. I think it was more transforming your car and making it work in the conditions. We did change a lot overnight. Yesterday we could not show our full performance, we would have wished to do more runs, but I had a braking failure and Mark had a problem with the drive-shaft, so overall we did not do a lot of laps, but nevertheless we could feel the potential. We changed some things, I won’t tell you what, but nothing special, small things, but they had a big effect in the end. We were trying to read the conditions and what will happen throughout qualifying and it seemed to work quite well. I think we were one of the most consistent.

Q: (Frederic Ferret - L’Equipe) To all of you: what will be the main difficulty in the race tomorrow: saving the tyres, saving fuel in the engine?
SV: Well, in Formula One I think people like to talk about packages; I think it will be the package. As I said, in the past it was probably more a sprint event. You started the race on whatever fuel load – 50, 60, 70, 40 kilos. Of course you had to take care at the beginning and then you could push, more or less which I think everyone of us enjoyed a lot. This year, the challenge is not attacking every lap and pushing and trying to go as fast as you can. It has changed. The challenge is now obviously controlling the package, as I said, trying to listen to your car, listen to your tyres, listen to your brakes, everything. Try to read and understand the race inside the car. There will be a lot of things to learn and also for the pit wall. No one really knows what to expect, I think that’s exciting so far. Hopefully we will have a good race tomorrow. As Felipe and Fernando said already, it will be a long season, so the most important thing is to finish, for sure, but I think everyone is looking forward to tomorrow’s race, so we will see. I think it is a good mix of everything; you have to keep in control to be the best.

Q: (Juha Paatalo - Financial Times Deutschland) For everybody: I think nine out of ten cars in Q3 had the soft tyres on. Was it a clear solution to take them or was there any thinking that you should take the hard ones and have a longer first stint?
SV: Well, I think we saw yesterday – I can’t speak on my behalf really, I did one longish run – but especially these two, they did quite a few laps yesterday and if we are speaking about tyre degradation on the super soft it’s not given that the medium tyre or the harder compound around here has zero degradation. It’s also dropping. I think reading the lap times yesterday and assuming what people ran in terms of fuel load we could see that and I think in the end what made the difference is the fact that - I think you saw that throughout qualifying that the soft tyre was quite a bit stronger for initial performance which you need in qualifying. You need only one lap. Whatever happens after usually doesn’t matter; in this case it does. We will see tomorrow. As Fernando said, there are so many things to learn.
It’s quite funny, I think last year the top three drivers sat here on Saturday afternoon and they didn’t want to say when they were going to stop. Now they can’t tell you because we don’t know, so nobody knows. You can work out an optimum for the race, but an optimum is when you’re racing on your own which, as it looks now, is very unlikely to happen. Of course there’s a chance that 23 cars will not reach the grid but I think this chance is quite small.

Za kraj Vettelov krug s kojim je osvojio pole position:

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Post je objavljen 13.03.2010. u 23:35 sati.