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Križni put Križa...1. postaja!

Klanjamo ti se, Križu, i blagoslivljamo Te!
Jer je Krist po Tebi otkupio Svijet!

1. postaja - Križ osuđuju na Smrt!

Dokument presude Europskog suda za ljudska prava od 3. studenog 2009 (engl)

Chamber judgment1
Lautsi v. Italy (application no. 30814/06)
Violation of Article 2 of Protocol No. 1 (right to education)
examined jointly with Article 9 (freedom of thought, conscience and religion) of the European Convention on Human Rights

"Decision of the Court
The presence of the crucifix – which it was impossible not to notice in the classrooms – could easily be interpreted by pupils of all ages as a religious sign and they would feel that they were being educated in a school environment bearing the stamp of a given religion. This could be encouraging for religious pupils, but also disturbing for pupils who practised other religions or were atheists, particularly if they belonged to religious minorities. The freedom not to believe in any religion (inherent in the freedom of religion guaranteed by the Convention) was not limited to the absence of religious services or religious education: it extended to practices and symbols which expressed a belief, a religion or atheism.
The compulsory display of a symbol of a given confession in premises used by the public authorities, and especially in classrooms, thus restricted the right of parents to educate their children in conformity with their convictions, and the right of children to believe or not to believe. The Court concluded, unanimously, that there had been a violation of Article 2 of Protocol No. 1 taken jointly with Article 9 of the Convention.

The application was lodged with the European Court of Human Rights on 27 July 2006.
Judgment was given by a Chamber of seven judges, composed as follows:
Françoise Tulkens (Belgium), President,
Ireneu Cabral Barreto (Portugal),
Vladimiro Zagrebelsky (Italy),
Danut Jočien (Lithuania),
Dragoljub Popović (Serbia),
András Sajó (Hungary),
Iş1l Karakaş (Turkey), judges, and
Sally Dollé, Section Registrar.

Dragoljub Popović (Serbia) - Europski sudija - jedan od jednoglasnih potpisnika gornje presude...

"It caused an uproar in the Italian politics, and prime minister Silvio Berlusconi's conservative government vowed to oppose the decision. [1][2][3] Its position has been supported by the governments of Lithuania, Slovakia and Poland: “Lithuania’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs holds that the use of crucifixes in public in Catholic countries reflects the European Christian tradition and should not be regarded as a restriction on the freedom of religion”, stated its spokeperson[4]"


Križ u školama, Europski sud za ljudska prava, žalba, Soile Lautsi

RIM – Europski sud za ljudska prava u Strasbourgu prihvatio je žalbu Italije na presudu koju je izrekao 3. studenoga 2009. i kojom je tražio izbacivanje križa iz školskih učionica. Sud je priopćio kako će cijeli slučaj idućih mjeseci razmotriti Veliko vijeće koje će dati konačnu presudu. Sastav Velikog vijeća, koji ima 17 članova, bit će naknadno određen.

Vijest iz Strasbourga talijanski ministar vanjskih poslova Franco Frattini pozdravio je sa zadovoljstvom jer su, kako je rekao, prihvaćeni brojni razlozi za zadržavanje križa u školskim učionicama koje je Italija predstavila sudu.

- To je veliki uspjeh Italije, prokomentirala je ministrica obrazovanja Mariastella Gelmini, jer je prihvaćeno štovanje kršćanskih i kulturnih tradicija zemlje.

Cijeli slučaj pokrenula je talijanska državljanka Soile Lautsi, podrijetlom iz Finske, koja je 2002. godine zatražila od državne škole Vittorino da Feltre u mjestu Abano Terme, pokraj Padove, koju su pohađala njezina djeca, da se iz učionica otkloni križ. Nakon što se uzaludno obraćala talijanskom sudstvu, Soile Lautsi je zatražila izjašnjavanje Suda za ljudska prava u Strasbourgu koji je presudio kako "raspela u učionicama predstavljaju kršenje prava roditelja da odgajaju djecu prema njihovu uvjerenju te krše vjersku slobodu učenika".

Na tu presudu žalila se talijanska vlada i sada je sud prihvatio žalbu tražeći da se izjasni Veliko vijeće koje donosi konačnu presudu.

Usvojena žalba Talijanske vlade

Post je objavljen 08.03.2010. u 00:36 sati.