Iako se borim protiv konzumerizma u svijetu, iako (a pogotovo otkad gledam Dharmu i Grega) želim za svoje potomke bolji, istinitiji svijet koji nije baziran na zaradi i koji nam ne plasira lažno viđenje stvarnosti, ipak shvaćam da je industrija knjiga ipak industrija, da ima svoje tržište i svoje kupce, od kojih sam jedan (jedna?) i ja.
Istini za volju, raspametim se od sreće kad vidim da netko i u svijetu knjige i nakladništva ima izvrsne ideje i da zna prodati svoj proizvod (raspametim se na to glede bilo kojeg proizvoda, ali kao što znate – knjige su moj soft spot). Da završim svoj uvod u link koji vam namjeravam dati – vjerujem da ima puno fanova knjige koji su voljni hodati u odjeći koja promovira knjigu koju vole (osobno nisam od takvih, ali vrlo bih rado ovakav proizvod poklanjala).
Ukoliko kliknete na link koji sam vam servirala, vidjet ćete web – stranicu jedne posebne tiskare/trgovine odjećom čija je misija sljedeća:
«Books on shirts. Shirts on a mission.
Out of Print celebrates the world’s great stories through fashion. Our shirts feature iconic and often out of print book covers. Some are classics, some are just curious enough to make great t-shirts, but all are striking works of art.
We work closely with artists, authors and publishers to license the content that ends up in our collections. Each shirt is treated to feel soft and worn like a well-read book.
In addition to spreading the joy of reading through our tees, we acknowledge that many parts of the world don't have access to books at all. We are working to change that. For each shirt we sell, one book is donated to a community in need through our partner Books For Africa.
How we read is changing as we move further into the digital age. It's unclear what the role of the book cover will be in this new era, but we feel it's more important than ever to reflect on our own individual experiences with great literary art before it's forever changed.