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Ekvadorska nostalgija! S poljskog bloga...

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Poljski foto-dojmovi

Poljska obitelj s djevojkama iz internata u ekvadorskoj zajednici s. Lenke u Salonu Drina (preneseno s njihova bloga)

Evo nakon hrvatske obitelji Markić (koji su i financirali izgradnju Salona Drina), u istoj organizaciji, koja dobija sve jasnije konture (Misijska Europska Katolička Inicijativa! Kristov Stol!!!) i druga europska - poljska obitelj, stigla je na nekoliko tjedana kod s. Lenke...

Markići u Ekvadoru 2008.

Nakon svega toga, Markići su s još 2 bračna para, osnovali hrvatski ogranak škotske Udruge Marijini obroci, za pomoć misijama i siromašnim školama diljem svijeta:

Marijini obroci

Hrvatske stranice - u izradi

I Poljaci su naravno prepuni dojmova, a pretpostavljam i budućih sličnih humanitarnih i misijskih inicijativa, jer nakon boravka kod s. Lenke, nitko ne može ostati srkštenih ruku nakon povratka:

"Ecuador 1
Dear friends and students. Here we are in an exotic and extremely friendly Ecuador. It is quite hard to find time to write - I started in Polish and now perhaps some reflections in English. The journey was tiring but pleasant, we were impressed by the airport in Madrid - underground train taking you from one terminal to another especially. In quito we were welcomed by sisters from the mission and travelled through crowded Quito in its rushhour and via PanAmericana to the remote but very decent buildings of the mission. The houses are neat, very clean, even comfortable. The school buildings are still being enlarged, and the classes that already exist are practical. The food is excellent, far better than we expected, with lots of unknown to us fruit and vegetables. We have been able to see how hard life can be to the people here, especially when on Saturday night we visited an ice-cream makers' community near our place. Priests never get there, so s. Lenka is the only person who brings them some formal statements of catholic faith, gives advice and encouragement. The huts were very basic, clothes old and torn, but our hosts turned out to be very open, ready to talk on religious subjects, smiling and kind. It was amazing! Another most memorable thing was coming of age of one of the girls in the internat here, she just turned fifteen (it is like 18 with us). The girl was Shuar, like most of the 15 girls living here on permanent basis, and escaped from the jungle just a few years ago. They escaped because they didn't want to become another wife (polygamy) of some old man, and they also escaped the hardship of life there. The girl's friends prepared the whole programme of dances and speaches, including some Shuar dances - excellent! We also started teaching yesterday - two groups of very young children (5 and 6 year-olds) in classes of about 20 students in each, which was not easy at first but promises to be OK, and with the older girls and a few of the "hermanas" (sisters from the mission) as well, which was much easier - they all are eager to learn. Soon we are going (for the second time) to visit Quito - for a mass with an archbishop. So far we haven't been impressed by this city, but it has got its charm and beauty. There is still a lot to see there. The weather has been beautiful - sunny and warm, he best of spring. We here of some heave snowfalls in Poland and northern Italy. Very amazing scenes happen when young students arrive here loaded into two little vans (the rest just walk here) and start the day with lots of cheers, songs and prayers. The youngest are just 2 years old and sometimes do not hold what they are supposed to hold and hermanas have to help them into bathrooms. Very sweet children, asking Tomek to play with them - the olders girls are also extremely happy to be in a company of Wojtek of course, he already danced with some of them at the fiesta, which had never happend before in his life. Amazing!
Well, that must be all for today, thank you for your prayers! "

ps. Ne moram posebno ni spominjati, da me uz sve i ovdje opisane misijske obaveze, s. Lenka jučer još i telefonski nazvala da me pita za tetkicu, za koju i oni svakodnevno mole, pa joj je bilo drago čuti da se vjerojatno već u ponedjeljak vraća doma iz bolnice!

Ljetošnji misijski susret u domu Ćavarovih i molitvena prekooceanska ruka s. Lenke i dalje s tetkičinom...

Post je objavljen 13.02.2010. u 20:13 sati.