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Michaela Aldrin in Wonderland

who is Michaela Aldrin?
she is one decent but sometimes overreactive girl who is very ambitious, but proportionally to that she....hmmm...i wont be the one judging her, judge by yourself;

FC public chat:
[2009/12/29 21:01] Zeppa Zuta: i have one general question; we speak about SL as virtual place, something unreal, something where we can be what we are not in real, place where we can do ANYTHING, then, we come to RP zones, combat ones, even DARK RP sims, we kill each other constantly what is already woow, but then, despite the fact of unreal situation and everything based on virtuality and imagination, 99% of people are settign some limits like; no cutting, no rape, no scat, no taking clothes off, no piss, no shit, no humiliation, no ass slaping, no blowing into ear, no forcing to eat cakes, no this, no that, no,no, no....whats the point of SL, RP, even DARK RP if we set so many NO?!?!?!...what does make you set all thoes NO?! hm, or i really miss the point how SL isnt unreal actually?!?!...i am playing SL since August 2006. and i have never set 1 single NO limit and look at me...healty and in 1 piece still...i mean...WTF, i will never understand all those limit...hmm

[21:06] Michaela Aldrin: hi Zeppa... jr admin here... just to answer your question on a sim rules basis (which is being updated ) The Judgement sim has zero limits, the other three sims have on a no rape and no perm mutiliation limts in effect. However people can FastForward out of situation they are personally uncomfortable with but the rp in essence still happened with the FastForward.
[21:09] Michaela Aldrin: you can also do /9admin and ask for rules clarification to explain more.
[21:10] Zeppa Zuta: thanks for your comment, btw; you never appologized me for your overreaction there on the field....i mean, Dagon did apologize instead of you, but things usually does not work that way in SL nor RL, at least you did learn what does NPC means and you will learn a lot more hopefully, and this is just a little digression, and when is about rules, hmm, dont get me wrong, but i was developing some general WARPS rules, and those RP ones i know on my mental :)
[21:14] Zeppa Zuta: oh, btw; i said; "i have one general question"..what means it is related to all SL...every RP area
[21:14] Zeppa Zuta: any XRPS, CCS or DCS
[21:15] Zeppa Zuta: i was refereing about people as individuals, not about FC
[21:15] Zeppa Zuta: hmmm, thanks for your try, and, you still didnt appologize :))
[21:19] Zeppa Zuta: anway, i see...and..thanks for your attempt to clarify question i didnt even ask :)
[21:20] Michaela Aldrin: Well, I know what NPC means as I've been rping since about 1996. Bad timing or otherwise sometimes OOC comments are not necessary... from myself or another and should stay out of IC interactions. I'll take any amount of abuse verbal or otherwise IC but not OOC. However, I'll apologize and hope maybe you can see where I am coming from as well.
[21:22] Michaela Aldrin: Have a good night, Zeppa. Sorry for misunderstanding your question and IMing you trying to help.
[21:24] Zeppa Zuta: hmmm, ok, nice of you to respond finaly, anyway, it is welcome to hear how you did RP since 1996. since i did my self too, since 1996. as well, starting trough packet radio chat networking and later trough mIRC and then famous D&D..etc..etc...about "paper table" RP back in early 90's i wont even mention and having story tellers or so called game masters...etc..etc....
[21:25] Zeppa Zuta: so, since you are experienced i am a bit surprised, but OK...noone is perfect and we cant know every single i do not mind you...
[21:26] Zeppa Zuta: but overreaction on anything what you are not sure what it is is not pretty wise, especially now since i see you are promoted to admin
[21:26] Zeppa Zuta: again, take this as digression, not as some sarcasm
[21:30] Zeppa Zuta: so, i hope as well that you would agree that way of IMing (at least 1 attempt) is more welcome then over reacted growling back in OOC.....but, in your case, Dragon did excuse you how you are very protective when is about him (what still is not good enough excuse for general, basics of good manners)....well, see you in play and if you ever heard from me something what might disturb you, dont be lazy or afraid to IM me shortly....i am always ready to talk with people without some vocabular like "fuck of"..get lost"....or; "dont spam my IM"....
[21:30] Zeppa Zuta winks
[21:31] Zeppa Zuta: after all..isnt that what ADMINS always suggest :))

[21:20] Michaela Aldrin: Well, I know what NPC means as I've been rping since about 1996.

hmmm, role player since 1996. is not some reference that can guarantee knowing what NPC is, so....i honestly must speak open and say; "no, i cant see where does she coming from"

and now, as i always like to spice up with some facts....i am sorry Michaela, its not that i am discrediting you but your own partner did, so, your actions showed what Dragon did confirmed....and after all; its shameful that Dragon had to appologise to me instead of you:

[2009/12/20 16:32] dragon Tarber: ok i see what happen
[2009/12/20 16:32] dragon Tarber: she didnt know what npc meant and yes u were being nice to me
[2009/12/20 16:32] Zeppa Zuta: and i rarely call admins (you as admin can see that) but i really feel insulted by that language
[2009/12/20 16:32] dragon Tarber: she didnt know she kinda new dont know what npc means lol
[2009/12/20 16:33] dragon Tarber: but i see what u mean
[2009/12/20 16:33] Zeppa Zuta: well..she could ask me
[2009/12/20 16:33] Zeppa Zuta: i even gave a smile
[2009/12/20 16:33] dragon Tarber: yea she could have but shes very protective of me we rl to
[2009/12/20 16:33] dragon Tarber: so she got mad lol
[2009/12/20 16:33] Zeppa Zuta: i was giving you a COMPLIMENT
[2009/12/20 16:33] dragon Tarber: i know she didnt understand what npc meant ill talk to her and tell her

[21:20] Michaela Aldrin: Well, I know what NPC means as I've been rping since about 1996.

mhmm, sure...yeah :)

Post je objavljen 01.02.2010. u 14:24 sati.