Na tajnu veceru omiljena lica.
Na tajnu veceru pristigose gosti,
kuj ce pored koga da razmesti kosti?
Jao kakvi gosti, Boze me oprosti!
U brata Albanca pun tanjir prebranca.
U brata Slovenca teleca kolenca.
U brata Bosanca tepsija ribanca.
U brata Hrvata hrvatsko-srpska salata.
Rokeri s Moravu: "Tajna vecera", Tajna vecera 1989.
Postovane eurozelene zastupnice u Jugoslovenskoj skup ... Europarlamentu u Beog ... Brüsselu zazeljele su se lijepih starih vremena. Ocito je da su trenutno eurozeleni nositelji komunjarskog zadaha i to jednog mrziteljskog stiha spram bilo kakvih naroda s imalo svijesti o vlastitom identitetu. Dok se zagrebacki zeleni bore za nesto konkretno, tj. protiv devastacije gradskog prostora, njihove sestre i braca u Europi, u obliku dokonih militatnih ekstremnih feministkinja, pod krinkom stednje, opet bi nekakve zajednicke hrvatsko-srpske/srpskohrvatske jezike tj. jezik. Rijec o zastupnicama koje se zovu Franziska Katharina Brantner (njemacka gradjanka, vrlo vjerojatno se nacionalno osjeca kao Marsijanka) i Marije Cornelissen (nizozemska gradjanka, vrlo vjerojatno joj se domovina nalazi na Veneri).
U dokumentu AMENDMENTS 1 – 50, Draft motion for a resolution Hannes Swoboda (PE430.293v01-00) on Croatia's progress report 2009 iznijele su, medju ostalom kmecidbom na racun Hrvatske i ovakav prijedlog:
Amendment 18
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Draws attention to the fact that the original Serbo-Croat language has now been split into various official languages in some of the potential candidate countries of the region; points out that the costs of interpretation and translation have a significant impact on the budget of the EU institutions and calls on the Commission to find with the Croatian authorities before accession a suitable arrangement with regard to the Croatian language that does not prevent the future conclusion of a comprehensive agreement on language with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia once those countries become EU Member States;
Nevjerojatna je ta briga za euro-budzet. Srce mi se cepa, suze mi cure niz ledja, ono u deliriju sam.
Pa sam odlucio napisati otvoreno pismo Nizozemki, ipak je ona drzavljanka drzave koja djelomicno snosi odgovornost za Srebrenicu.
Nesto ovakvo! (Priznajem, zahrdjao sam strasno u engleskom!)
Dear Ms. Cornelissen,
I do not have a habit of writing e-mails to foreign politicians, but since You and Your esteemed colleague Franziska Katharina Brantner from Germany, have proposed of re-forming of artificial Serbocroatian language, a zombie that existed from 1954-1967, and again from 1972-1990, and Your proposition was meant all in favour of saving the EU citizens money, I have suggestion that would really make positive effect to the Dutch economy. Since Dutch means Deutsch (German) it would be wise and economically profitable if the Netherlands have only one official language and it should be German, since all Dutch people understand it quite well. Probably, the Dutch citizen that turned Anne Frank to the Nazis spoke it quite well, so there is a tradition of using German among the Dutch people in the international affairs.
I hope that You will think over my suggestion,
Pero Panonski
Ako privatno zelite pisati gospodjama zastupnicama, njihove sluzbene mail adrese su:
Budite fini i pristojni, jer su one ipak europski Übermenschovi, dok smo mi balkanski sljam koji trosimo europski novac sa svojim umjetnim jezicima.
Pero Panonski
Post je objavljen 24.01.2010. u 17:10 sati.