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Blogerski lanac sreće/Bloggers luck chain

Dragi Naši
iako uglavnom smatramo da se svit vrti kolo nas tj. kolo gollyh&bossyh, ima dana kad se zapitamo je su li zapravo golly&bossy ti koji se vrtu i onda naiđu na iste stvari. Kako i misec na nebu koji se svaku 24 ure nađe iznad Sydneya naprimjer.
Jesmo li mi našli ježa (klik) ili je jež naša nas? Naša prijateljica i blogerica 5 things a day rekla bi da je jež naša nas jer tako nju lisica proganja već misecima po blogu.

Ne znamo što o ovemu misli naša druga prijateljica i blogerica bez brige i pameti lapsuscalami, ali ona je preko bloga Passover došla do bloga Ljupkin nakit. Onda je s blogeričinom mamom dogovarala isporuku, ostavila nam iznenađenje i tako je na naš dlan, na našu bursu i u naše srce uša ovi jež.

jez na dlanu



I ko je koga naša sad više nema veze. Glavno da smo zajedno.


As a genuine golly&bossy most of the time we think that the universe revolves around us. But there are days when we ask ourselves is it golly&bossy that are traveling around and eventually get to the same things. Like Moon that every 24 hours comes above e.g. Sidney.

Have we found the hedgehog (click) or it found us? Our friend and blogger 5 things a day would answer that the hedgehog found us because there is a fox that keeps running after her on her blog for months now.

We don't know what our other friend lapsuscalami thinks about her, but through the style blog Passover she found Ljupkin nakit. Then she aranged the delivery with the help of the blogger's mum, left us a little surprise and that is how this hedgehog found his way to our palm, our bag and into our heart.

Post je objavljen 16.12.2009. u 22:40 sati.