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Great review/breakdown of R

Great review/breakdown of R.Kelly's Trapped in the Closet. We're gonna make our pledges watch this thing on loop during hell week, heh :-PIn other news, second semester is in full swing. I'm taking my last CS requirement: CS 365 Introduction to Algorithms, working on my senior project (a 3D rendering of Yale), Hebrew 102, and then taking two credit/D's: Global Dillemas in the Nuclear Age, and Social Psychology. My cumulativeGPA so far is 3.40. Hopefully I'll get a job before the semester is out so I won't have to worry about this semester's GPA. So I'm pretty much focusing on my senior project this semester. Everything else is just background stuff; going through the motions etc. For now, since I haven't bought the books for the credit/D classes yet, I'm going to all my classes, which means class from 11:30 to 2:15 M-Th, and a 2:30 Hebrew section on Friday. Very doable. After class Mondays and Friday's I'm working a 3 hour cluster shift in CCL, and after class Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm going to the gym with Mike. We're also going Sundays and occasional Fridays before section (depending on how hung over I am from the night before, heh). So it's looking like I'm going to have a nice set routine this semester. I've abandoned anyserious hope of losing the beer belly and love handles. Evenwith regular cardio, green tea regiment, and cutting back on junk food, there's justjust no wayI'm going to lose it whiledrinking as much asbeer as we do. It's just silly to even try. You're only a 2nd semester senior in collegeonce soI have no intention of cutting back getting fucked up whatsoever. That's what the, *shudder*, real world is for. Instead, I'mfocusing onbuilding enough muscle to overshadow the mini buddha.We got ahold of a huuuuge bag of soy protein which, after 2 weeks of takingwith each workout,hasdefinatelycausedsome visible results.So that's exciting.The weeks are flying by. It's like detailsdetailsWEEKENDdetailsdetailsWEEKEND. It's freaking ridiculous. But we're having an awesome time. Avalanche was last week and Brooksy, Lee, Neil, Geoff, Geoff's 2 friends,Adam, Adam's friend, Andrade, Phineus, Juan and Elmo all came down to visit for it. It was a total shitshow. Andrade, Juan, and Phineas DJed and we were all up playing pong till 4:30am. People were sleeping all over the house. It was a total blast.Rush is going on as well. I'm really not sure how that's going. Us older guys aren't very involved in the planning anymore. I don't think it's going very well. The younger guys are all about doing everything themselves and don't ask for help and then fuck up. I dunno. We'll probably have to extend rush. Not our problem though, sort of.

Post je objavljen 02.12.2009. u 21:48 sati.