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European Commission wants airwaves freed by move to digital TV to ...

European Commission wants airwaves freed by move to digital TV to ...

The European Commission says that as digital TV replaces analogue TV, four-fifths of the airwaves that used to carry TV broadcasts will be freed up. This means that they can be used for new, innovative services that use radio spectrum, ...

Liberal coverage of crime-related political and injustice news.

The Public Service Commission was set up for the first time in British India in 1926. After independence, the ommission was established in Pakistan in 1947.

The Public Service Commission was set up for the first time in British India in 1926. After independence, the ommission was established in Pakistan in 1947.

Liberal coverage of crime-related political and injustice news.

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Post je objavljen 03.11.2009. u 03:05 sati.