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Inače kad smo već kod muha, Cronenberg priprema remake svog kultnog remaka iz 1986.


This story goes into what I’d like to call the WTF category. According to THR, director David Cronenberg will reteam with 20th Century Fox to remake the 1986 sci-fi classic, The Fly. Cronenberg directed the earlier version of the film that starred Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis. Fox already had plans to remake The Fly without Cronenberg’s involvement, due to his expressed lack of interest. I wonder what changed his mind?

Cronenberg has signed on to develop the new Fly, as well as direct and possibly pen the screenplay. The 1986 version of the film centered on a scientist who’s teleportation experiment goes terribly wrong, causing him to slowly transform into the insect. Even though it seems odd, Cronenberg isn’t the first director to remake his own work several years down the line. Just recently Michael Haneke remade his thriller Funny Games, and Werner Herzog reimagined his documentary Little Dieter Learns to Fly with the film Breaking Dawn.

Usually, the thought of a remake would give me a tension headache, but this situation is a bit different. Even though Cronenberg’s The Fly wasn’t an original in its own right, it stood out amongst its predecessor. It’s odd that the director was against this film from day one, and now all of a sudden is leading the way. No matter how suspicious the motives, if the film has to be revamped I’m happy he’ll be the one behind the camera.

Gratis linkovi:

David Cronenberg will 'Fly' again

David Cronenberg is Remaking David Cronenberg's The Fly

Post je objavljen 15.10.2009. u 17:05 sati.