Dragi Naši,
evo smo se vratili iz svita. Nismo sebi kupili ništa za obuć jer nismo stigli. Uglavnom smo bili po kafama, obidima i večerama s ekipom, prisjećali se starih dogodovština i planirali buduće avanture.
Ali, ipak se nismo vratili praznih bursi. Ovo smo dovukli iz Amsterdama, Bruxellessa i djutifrija:
Brava i svitla za bicikletu. Ovo je posebna brava koja zavida kun zadnjega kola, a super je praktična jer se ne treba gnjavit s velikin lancen. Nema je za kupit ninđi nego u Nizozemskoj. Min je već imamo, ovo nas je kolegica s posla zamolila da jon donesemo jednu. Brava je naravno uzbudila svaki alarm po aerodromima, morali smo je stalno vadit i objašnjavat o čemu se radi.
Mala svitla su za nas i našu bicikletu. Svitli po bicikletama nikad dosta.
So we didn't really shop on our trip to Amsterdam because we were mostly having coffees and lunches and dinners with our friends. Still, we didn't come back empty handed.
These are bike lock and lights. It is a special lock that is to be screwed next to the back wheel, and is extremely practical because one doesn’t have to bother with the huge chain. We already have one of these locks, this one is for the colleague who asked us to bring her one. Of course, the lock activated every alarm at the airports, so we repetedly had to take it out and explain what is it.
These small lights are for us and our bike. A bycicle can never have enough lights.
Jedan dan smo se iz Amsterdama zaletili i do Bruxellesa. Tamo smo naravno kupili ćikolate.
We went to Brussels one day. Came back with the chocolate, of course.
Ovo je ništo baš nizozemsko – rođendanski kalendar, de verjaardagskalender. Nigdjezemci su ludi za rođendanima, onako kad je komugo rođendan familija stavi transparent priko cile ulice: Janmaarten ima 43 godine. Zatrubite.
I svi trubu.
Da ne zaboravu kad je komu rođendan praktični Nigdjezemci su smislili ovi kalendar u kojem su samo miseci i datumi, bez dana tako da vridi više godišć. Onda se tu uz datume upiše ime. I obisi u zahod. E, u zahod. Zašto je zahod pravo misto za sjetit se rođendana, to samo Nigdjezemci znaju.
Nigdjezemci su praktičan, ali i nadasve štedljivi narod. Zato važne osobe u kalendar upišu kemijskom, na primjer babu, didu, dicu, ali prolazne osobe se upisuju običnim lapisom da se mogu izbrisat. Npr. momak od ćere koji je danas tu, a sutra će bit kojigo drugi. Znamo za slučaj kad svekrva godinama ni nevistu htila upisat kemijskim u kalendar. Premda su sin i nevista već imali dvoje dice, nevista još ni bila dovoljno dobra za trajno upisivanje. I kad je svekrva napokon upisala nevistu kemijskom, nevista se razvela. He, he...
This is something very very Dutch – the birthday calendar, de verjaardagskalender. The Dutch are crazy about birthdays, like somebody has a birthday and the family puts a banner across the street: Janmaarten is 43. Honk.
And everybod honks.
In order not to forget birthdays practical Dutch people invented this calendar that only has months and dates, but not the days, so it's lasts for many years. Then you write a person's name next to the date. And hang the calendar in the toilet. Yes, in the toilet. What makes the toilet the right place to remember somebody's birthday, only Dutch know.
The Dutch are very practical, but also very frugal nation. So the important persons like grandparents or children have their names written in pen in birthday calendars, but temporary persons are written down in pencil. For example, daughter’s boyfriend. Today he’s here; tomorrow there will be somebody else. We know of the case when the mother in law didn’t want to write daughter in law’s name in pen, just in pencil. Although the son and the daughter in law had already two children, the daughter in law still wasn’t good enough for permanent entry in the birthday calendar. And when the mother in law finally managed to use pen for daughter in law, the daughter in law left the husband. He, he….
Još ništo tipično nigdjezemski. Livo ogromni speculaas, gore stroopwafel, dole kruidnoten. Nigdjezemska kuhinja je očajna, frigani kompiri su im nacionalno jelo, to Van sve govori. Ali imaju dobrih slatkiša.
More typically Dutch things. The gigantic speculaas on the left, stroopwafel up, kruidnoten down. the Dutch cuisine is horrible, French fries are the national food, that tells you all. But they do have good sweets.
Ovo je iz djutifrija. Budući smo odnedavno počeli rasturat u pokeru nismo mogli odolit m&m's pokeru.
Duty free goodies. Recently we started to kick asses in poker so we couldn’t resist m&m’s poker pack.
A ovo nan je najdraže – fensi gumene rukavice. Jer i banja se može ribat sa stilom.
And this is our favourite thing – the fancy rubber gloves. One can be stylish while cleaning the bathroom, right?