Discovery of the evolutionary interactions between man that creates a given society and the society that formed the man,marxian scientific colossus finally invokes its possible rational dimension as Human beings, creating one of the biggest challenges that lies before him: the complete removal of the milenius class epoch, which dominated from the cave dwellings to modern skyscrapers, favoring apearence of Attila, Djingis Khan, Hitler, Stalin and Bush. In the Balkans: Karadjordjevic, Karadjic, Milosevic, Tudjman, Jezerenac, Zuzulj, Radic, warious red and black Juricas.
The historical challenge of tectonic proportions, as it leads to exactly the hottest battle between the degenerate modern patriotic hero ”Coward” and hero of Homer's original Odyssey “NoOne”. The battle between new David and old Goliat, whose outcome is yet to deliver Nietzsche’s Superman, or returning to its monocellulur being.
Battle to be or not to be, of which depend on the evolutionary justification for the appearance of Little Lucy - our first parents of possible future Humanoids.
Post je objavljen 04.10.2009. u 20:22 sati.