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The Last Rose of Summer ...

... za oproštaj s Ljetom ...



O ruži ...
(u skromnom prijevodu moje malenkosti)

John Boyle O'Reilly (1844-1890)

The red rose whispers of passion,
And the white rose breathes of love;
O, the red rose is a falcon,
And the white rose is a dove.


Crvena ruža šapuće o strasti
Bijela uzdiše o ljubavi
Crvena je ruža grabljivica
A bijela je golubica.

Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967)

In me the tiger sniffs the rose.
Tigar u meni miriše (na) ružu.

Henry Lewis Mencken (1880-1956)

An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage,
concludes that it will also make better


Idealist je onaj koji, opazivši da ruža miriše bolje od kupusa,
vjeruje da će od ruže skuhati i bolju

Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

The first man to compare the cheeks of a young woman to a rose was obviously a poet;
the first to repeat it was possibly an idiot.


Prvi koji je usporedio obraze djevojke s ružom očito je bio pjesnik,
sljedeći koji je to uradio vjerojatno je bio budala.

William Shakespeare (1564 -1616)

At Christmas I no more desire a rose
Than wish a snow in May's new-fangled shows,
But like of each thing that in season grows.


Za Božić ne želim ružu
Više no što bi želio snijeg u maju
No tako je sa stvarima svim
Koje dok je sezona traju.


Post je objavljen 31.08.2009. u 06:22 sati.