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U Afganistanu poginuo sin SAS-ove legende Paul McAleese

Sin poznatog SAS-ovca John McAleesea koji je bio jedan od specijalaca koji su oslobodili iransko veleposlanstvo u Londonu 1980. je poginuo u četvrtak u Afganistanu.

Otac John McAleese

Sin Paul McAleese RIP

Narednik Paul McAleese je 206. britanska vojna žrtva od početka ratnih operacija na prostorima Afganistana.

Otac poginulog vojnika je poznat u cijelom svijetu kao legenda SAS-a, a široj publici je prepoznatljiv kao jedan od likova u serijalu SAS Survival Secrets koji je samo jedan od serijala o britanskim SAS specijalcima u kojima je svoju stručnu pomoć dao i John McAleese.

The two soldiers were killed following two explosions that happened while they were on a foot patrol taking place in Sangin District, Helmand Province on Thursday morning.

Serjeant Paul McAleese

Serjeant Paul McAleese was born in Hereford on 18 October 1979. He began his Army training in March 1997 and joined the 1st Battalion, The Royal Green Jackets in August. A natural soldier, he rose through the ranks quickly and found his calling in the Sniper Platoon.

As a Rifleman he completed the demanding Close Observation Platoon course before going on to complete the Infantry's gruelling Section Commanders' and Platoon Sergeants' Battle Courses with distinction.

A keen boxer and rugby player, Serjeant McAleese was fit and unbelievably tough. After tours of Northern Ireland, Sierra Leone, Iraq and Kosovo, he had relished life in Afghanistan and had been outstanding as a Sniper Team Commander in Kajaki.

Recently moved to take over as a Rifle Platoon Serjeant following the injury of a colleague, he had excelled on the streets of Wishtan, Sangin and had been at the centre of so many of the incidents of the last few weeks.

One of the best of his generation, Serjeant McAleese was destined for truly great things. He died in an IED explosion on 20 August 2009 whilst helping to secure a key thoroughfare in the Sangin area as part of providing security for the elections.

Post je objavljen 23.08.2009. u 15:24 sati.