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Podpišite peticiju za hrabrog junaka Biskupa Richarda Williamsona


On January the 21st, a Swedish TV channel aired an interview with Bishop Richard Williamson. In this interview, Bishop Williamson spoke in English and said, in substance, that "there had not been Jews killed by Germans in gas chambers". As we expected it, many authorities from Talmudic Judaism rent their shirts and started threatening. As we expected, the majority of the world press raged against him and against Rome. As we expected, many bishops in France professed again their faith in the Holocaust religion, in order to condemn evidently the one who professes the religion of Golgotha. Later, we learnt with great anxiety that the SSPX's superior, Bishop Bernard Fellay, demanded that Bishop Williamson should refrain from speaking any further in public. Because of that, Bishop Williamson cannot defend his own honour anymore, and also the one of Rome, against the pack of wolves thrown by the entire world against him. We learnt with even more anxiety that Bishop Fellay had apparently declared that the Jews of today were "his brothers in faith". How could those who deny the faith of their patriarchs and prophets be his elder brothers in faith? Catholic or not, but simply attached to historical truth, and to the preservation of the fight of every priest and bishop in the SSPX for the integral Catholic Faith, we express our support for Bishop Richard Williamson and we pray that Bishop Bernard Fellay, in the name of the One who is the Truth and a sign of contradiction in this world, lift the interdict against his brother in the episcopate; so that Bishop Williamson may not be thrown to the lions and delivered up to the internal as well as external enemies of the Catholic Church!

Imamo 2623 podpisa a treba nam 10000 da napokon u ovom judeo-masonskom svijetu pobjedi istina i pravda!
Podpišite peticju ovdje

Post je objavljen 14.07.2009. u 17:52 sati.