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Priča za Klančo!!!
Dead tears
I know, or knew one girl. She's my best friend ... WAS. Yes, she is now dead. No more. She died in an obscure and fanciful manner. No one, not even the greatest doctors and explorer could not estimate of which is actually dead. But this is a story believed to have died. Clara's parents have noted that the yen Clara was unsettled and evenings, not have dinner, but as soon as she came home from the disco immediately went to my room which is unusual because she normally always evening chat with parents about the day. Clara was asleep when she lay down on the bed. Dreaming the dream. It was a very beautiful dream. While it is not turned in the night sea. Now no one knows what exactly happened in her dream. It is known that it was so terrible dream that is found in the morning ... dead in the yard. She was dead but ... she crying? Yes .. it is a cry dead. No one still does not know what is the phenomenon. When was the funeral day, carried the coffin, which was strangely difficult. When the coffin laid in the ground, and from it started leak water. Open the coffin ... and inside due to a flood of tears Clara. Invited all possible doctors, who said they have no idea what this does. They said it is the only opportunity to turn Clara into ashes. Clara's parents did not want to hear it.Therefore Clara are buried deep under the ground. You would not believe ... Now, after 3 years, there is the sun hazel deep salt water lake. Anyone who can bathe in it ... follow him terrible dreams. Not yet discovered the reason of death, nor will there ever be. Mary

ZA ...tears dry...
Dry tears
We have agreed a date. In conjunction, we were already 1 year. This day was our anniversary. You told me to come to you. I thought that I will be with you something beautiful and romantic, though we were an anniversary. As I was stupid and naive! I am coming at you at the appointed time. You're opening the door. You look terrible. When I entered the house, everything was dirty and disorderly. I stopped the breath. In the best case ... may be somewhere hidden surprise. But no. You told me to sit on the chair. I took. You cry. I asked and what is the problem, which is our anniversary. You're now just looked sad. You told me you were during our connection was with another girl. This girl is now pregnant! So ... how would you react to your boyfriend you love with all your heart and he loves you, he says that a girl pregnant with him? Probably not be placed in this position. I just looked blank in it, expecting your laughter. But laughter was not, nor will it be. You told me to love me more than anything in the world. But how could I trust? If you loved me so much, why have you deceived me? The question is not got answer. On departure the house, he deleted me this treacherous dry tears that I came down a series of face.

za Kiss me..=)
Let me tell you what happened to me with my so-called best friend. My friend whose name was Katy. We knew since kindergarten,. We all away, we were like sisters. One day we went to ice cream. We were talking about our friends Kate and Ashley. I was very oh! when he started talking about them they are stupid, idiot ... I forgave her because I thought it was that day was' yellow minutes. But despite its continued. Tried the quarrel Kate and Ashley. When she failed she was so happy, as if he did good work. Kate is cry all day. I am found boyfriend, called the Will. Wish I sincerely ... while in my love is not involved and Katy. Katy has embraced Will, and because it was very nice Will be increasingly LOVED the Katy. I was so sad and angry. The best friend is my boyfriend robbed! Katy days after he called me and prayed me to pardon her, that did not know what does. I her I could not forgive. Woke up the anger in her. In the middle of the night I was one infection in the house trying to kill me with a knife. I barely managed to escape and call police. The police came with Katy's parents. Katy was taken to reformatory. Now, when I think of she .. I see only a knife.... She doned it to me...Now i must go,,,

Post je objavljen 19.06.2009. u 11:10 sati.