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10 Questions with Alexander McCall Smith
May, 2009

Alexander McCall Smith

Zimbabwe-born British writer Alexander McCall Smith has spent his career balancing a double life. A respected professor of medical ethics by day, prolific children's book author by night, his writing career fully blossomed at age 50 when his novel, The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, became an unexpected publishing sensation. McCall Smith went on to publish ten books about his Botswana-based heroine, Precious Ramotswe, which sold millions of copies around the globe and spawned a TV miniseries this spring. Now retired from academic work, he is knee-deep in four different series, two of which, 44 Scotland Street and Corduroy Mansions, were originally serialized in daily newspaper installments. McCall Smith took a pause from his busy writing schedule to talk to Goodreads about his newest book, Tea Time for the Traditionally Built.

Goodreads: The The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series has generated a lot of discussion about its presentation of Botswana, because it does not include considerable reference to the country's 25% HIV infection rate (one of the highest in the world). What is your response to criticism of this kind?

Alexander McCall Smith: There are many books that deal in more detail with the problems of Africa and, in particular, with the HIV/AIDS issue. I think it is important to remember that, in spite of illness, countries in sub-Saharan Africa keep going as best they can, and therefore we should not concentrate exclusively on writing about the bad things in Africa. There is plenty of good news, and there are many very good things happening there, so why should we not celebrate these?

GR: What can readers expect from your latest book, Tea Time for the Traditionally Built?

AMS: We return to the office of The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency in Botswana, where Mma Ramotswe gets herself involved in the issue of why a football team seems to be losing rather a lot of matches. This is not her usual sort of case, of course, and it goes without saying that she knows nothing about football!

GR: How do you plot a series of such length? Are you planning a story arc that will culminate in a final book, or are you happy to keep writing as long as there is reader interest?

AMS: I shall be writing another four books in the series, taking us up to volume 14. I have no idea how the series will end—I may just keep it going. I am delighted that the series has achieved such a wide and diverse audience.

GR: The HBO series of The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency is the first major production to be shot entirely on location in Botswana. Are you pleased with how the adaptation has captured your characters and the setting?

AMS: I am delighted with the way they have done the series. HBO and the Weinstein Company have done a splendid job. I am particularly impressed with the very good casting—the actors portray the characters extremely well.

GR: A modern-day Dickens, you recently completed your second serial novel, Corduroy Mansions, which was published in daily chapter installments in The Telegraph. How much did you write in advance and how much did you write on the fly? Will you continue to serialize this story?

AMS: Corduroy Mansions was written as it was being published. I was usually about 30 episodes ahead of the online publication. I plan to do another volume in this series beginning this fall, which will also be published in The Telegraph.

GR: Describe a typical day spent writing. Do you have any unusual writing habits?

AMS: I usually write in the morning, although I sometimes write later in the afternoon and in the evening. There are times when I get up very early to write, but on a typical day I start writing at about 10 a.m. and keep going until lunchtime. I often write when I am traveling—I am away so often on book tours that I have to do this. On my forthcoming tour of the USA I will be finishing the next Isabel Dalhousie book.

GR: Who are some of your influences?

AMS: I very much admire the work of W.H. Auden, the poet, and I also enjoy the work of the Indian author, R.K. Narayan, and Graham Greene.

GR: What are you reading now? What are some of your favorite books and authors?

AMS: I am reading The Consolations of Philosophy by Alain de Botton.

GR: Are you still teaching?

AMS: I am no longer involved with academic work. I retired from my post as Professor of Medical Law at Edinburgh University a few days ago to concentrate on my writing career. I do miss the students.

GR: It must be difficult to juggle so many series at once. What are you focusing on next?

AMS: At the moment I am finishing the next Isabel Dalhousie book, and I have also started on the next Scotland Street book. In July I will begin the next book in the Mma Ramotswe series, and in August I will start the next volume of Corduroy Mansions.

Ono što me osobito razveselilo jest da njegova serija krimića s detektivkom iz Botswane, Mme Prescious Ramotswe, planira ići do 14. nastavka, a sad me svrbe dlanovi i da saznam malo više o ovim drugim knjigama u nastavcima, čitam u komentarima da se dosta ljudi pozitivno izjasnilo o McCall - Smithu i njegovim glavnim junacima.

Post je objavljen 25.05.2009. u 22:37 sati.