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lead me, guide me, walk beside me, let me find the way... the classroom lively discussion went on the subject of difference.
Someone posed a question weather is possible for different people to be together or not, so naturally, some kids took one side and some took
a stand of the opposition.
Naturally, again, they couldn't agree on the matter so they came with
conclusion that the best thing to do would be to ask their teacher.
Supposedly teachers should be the pillar of wisdom and knowledge.
Educators that equally care with love and understanding for all the kids
they teach right and righteous principles to take out into the world once
they're grown up.
As soon as she walked in the kids posed a question on to her and as if
she expected the kind of a question she fired out: ''NO! I am certain that different people cannot be together on any circumstance. To prove my theory we may take a little boy from the first row and a little girl from the second row as an example.'' Thus she went on.

''We may clearly see they're totally different. She is smart and he is stupid,
she is beautiful and he is ugly, she is musical talent for she plays the piano
wonderfully and she sings beautifully and he is musically untalented, etc., etc.
Therefore, once again we may clearly see they're totally different and they've nothing in common so consequently they couldn't possibly ever hang around together, not even as friends.''
I don't know how, if at all, that affected the little girl, but I know the little boy was ashamed, scared and deeply hurt.
Though the tears didn't go down his face at the moment, he wept inside his broken heart puzzled with the way the teacher acted. The next few years till the end of his schooldays, though he always admired her and had a great desire to befriend her, the little boy was to scared and dared not ever again to approach the little girl. I guess she was just to busy with her own childish things to pay any attention or notice him again.

At the end, what's happen with them?
Well, last I know, the little girl, we can call Sonja became a
successful beautiful lady and I guess she had tons of wonderful experiences with sundry vicissitudes in her life. And the little boy...well, I don't know...judge for yourself.

The irony of life wanted it to be an English class with the teacher who taught English language and the boy who knew not a word of English back then now is sharing his thoughts, feelings and experiences with you...

Post je objavljen 07.05.2009. u 20:44 sati.