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Madrid - retaji/Madrid - the leftovers

Dragi Naši,
Prošlo je puno vrimena odkad smo bili u Madrid i pisali pregenijalne postove o našem vijažu (a-e, f-l, l-p i r-ž), a ovo se sad prisjećamo kako nam je bilo dobro i donosimo nike retaje.

It’s been long since our trip to Madrid and our ingenious posts about it (a-e, f-l, l-p and r-ž). This is a trip down a memory lane with some leftovers.

O balkonima smo već pisali, ali ćemo još jer su nas oduševili. Inače, u Španjolskoj tradiciji je da samo žene sjede na balkonima. Muški su ili unutra ili na ulici. Tako je i Goya pokaza Maje na balkonu. Znači, jedan naš, jedan Goyin balkon.


The balconies
We already wrote about the Madrid balconies, but we’re going to write a bit more because we really liked them. While we're on the subject, in Spain men don't use balconies. Tradition dictates that only women sit in so public a spot, to observe and to seek admiration, protected from the danger of actual contact. Men sit indoors or occupy the street. Goya demonstrates it in Majas on a Balcony. So, one our balcony and one Goya’s.

Čistač ulica
Blaženi su i čisti gradovi koji dižu spomenike čistaču ulica.
The street cleaner
Blessed and clean are the cities that errect monuments to the street cleaners.

El Viejero
El Viejero ili Putnik je kafić/restoran koji se spominje u svim vodičima, ali uopće ni turističko misto nego tamo rado gre normalni domaći svit. Seli bi bili i min, ali ni bilo mista. Super izgleda, je li?
El Viejero or The Traveler is a tavern mentioned in all the guides, but is not a tourist spot but a place where locals go. We would have sit there but it was crowded. It looks great, isn’t it?

Osborne i bik
Kad se vozite po Španjolskoj svugdi ćete vidit ove bikove/jumbo plakate. To su prvo bile reklame za brandy Osborno, ali kad se zabranilo reklamiranje alkohola bikovi su se trebali uklonit. Ali, onda su se svi pobunili jer su bikovi stvarno super i vlada ih je odlučila ostavit kao kulturne spomenike (klik). Evo i karta bikova s stranica Osborna.

The Osborne bull
Everywhere in Spain you’ll see this bulls. Originaly they were advertising the brandy Osborno, but when alcohol advertising was baned the bulls were supposed to be removed. But then everybody opposed that because the bulls are really cool so the government decided to leave them as the cultural monuments (click). Here is the map of the bull from the Osborne site, too.

Plaza de Espańa
Između maslina ovega trga jezdu brončani Don Quijote i Sancho Pansa.
Bronze Don Quijote and Sancho Pansa are walking throught olive trees.

Žito u krugovima
Pokrajina Aragon je cila kafena, to smo već rekli. Ali u njoj su ovi zeleni krugovi. “Što je ovo?“ pitali smo jednega domaćega što je sedi kun nas. “To tako navodnjavaju u krug.“ reka je. “Aha” rekli smo i nastavili slikavat.
The crop circles
The province of Aragon is brown from tha air, we already mentioned that. But there are some green circles, too. “What is this?“ we asked the native sitting next to us. “It is because of the irrigation system.“ he explained. “Aha”, said us and continued to take photos.


Post je objavljen 02.05.2009. u 15:35 sati.