Dragi Naši,
Kako smo zgincali nogu i zaglavili na kauču imamo vrimena za kopanje po internetu. I tako smo na jedno misto skupili Willija Nelsona, Meryl Streep i Johna Legenda. To mogu samo golly&bossy.
With a twisted ankle, stuck on the couch one has time to dig through the depths of the internet. And so we gathered together Willie Nelson, Meryl Streep and John Legend. Golly&bossy rule!
Ko van je boji?
Who is better?
P.S. Bili su još i Elvis i Michael Buble, ali oni su nan nikako dosadnjikavi pa ih nismo ni zvali.
Elvis and Michael Buble were also available but we find them a bit boring so we choose not to invite them.