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Kitimo se tuđim perjem/Girls of the feather flock together

Dragi Naši,
Jučer smo došli na posal i vidili Kolegicu s pregenijalnon pernatom maramom. Srce nan je momentalno priskočilo i Kolegicu smo zasuli pitanjima: Kad? Di? Koliko? Kako? Ispalo je da je maramu kupila u Zari, ali u Ljubljani. Jo, da nan se bilo odma teleportirat u Zaru i zgrabit to perje ako ga ima. Odbrojavali smo sekunde do odlaska, a svaka nam se činila kako godina. Jo, jo, jo, kukali smo u sebi.

Bilo je tek 8 navečer kad smo uspili doć do butige i prvu prodavačicu pitali (smireno, premda smo u sebi urlali) “Je li imate maramu s perjem?“ “Imamo, još samo jednu“ rekla je, odvela nas do stalka s maramama i dala predmet želja u ruke. Taman kad smo se okrenuli da ćemo još prozujat po konzumerističkem raju i odmorit oči i glavu od briga svakodnevice, isprid nas se stvorila jedna cura s faksa koju nismo vidili otkad smo izašli iz Mudroslovnega. I počela nam pričat kako ne radi i kako jon je teško i di je prin radila i kako jon je tamo bilo grubo. Min smo sućutno klimali s glavom, i slušali je i stvarno nan je bilo ža žene ali istovremeno nas je sve šarenilo okolo magnetski privlačilo i sirenski zvalo. Virujte, ni nan bilo lako. Više od po ure smo slušali njenu priču, a sve što smo uspili vidit bi je jedan prekrasni zeleni šal na filodendrone ku kojega smo stali.

I bilo nan je jadno teško što ne možemo obać butigu, ali s druge strane smo vidili da je drugima puno gore i da je dobro što imamo posal s kojim možemo kupit maramu na perje.


Yesterday we came to work and saw our Colleague with a fabulous feathered scarf. Our heart instantly stopped working and there were millions questions in our head: When? Where? How much? How? It turned out that the scarf is from Zara, but in Ljubljana. Oh, oh, if only we could teleport ourselves to Zara at that moment and grab the feathers if there are any. We were counting seconds to launch to Zara and every second seemed like a year. Oh, oh, oh, we were silenty lamenting.

It was 8 PM when we managed to get to the shop and asked “Do you have the feathered scarf?“ “We do“, said the shop assistant, “there is only one left.“ She brought us to the scarf stand and gave us the object of desire. With the feathers safe in our hands we turned to see the rest of the spring offer when suddenly in front of us popped a girl we knew from the university days. And she started how she is unemployed and hot life is hard and where she worked before and how they treated her badly there. We were nodding very compassionately, and listen to her and we felt really sorry for her, but at the same time all the colour around us were like a magnet and a sirens call. Trust us, it was really hard to resist it. For more then half an hour we listened to her story, and all we managed to see was a beautiful green silk scarf with Philodendron leaves we were standing next to.

And we felt bad because we can’t see the rest of the clothes, but on the other hand we were saw that life of the others is more difficult and that it is good to have a job that allows us to buy the feathered scarf.

Post je objavljen 31.03.2009. u 13:56 sati.