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OMG... da li je to mogućeee?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Tokio Hotel dolazi u Hrvatsku?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Sve je jako komplicirano...
prvo se pojavio jedan koncert, taj je kao 24.10... a onda i drugi koji je kao 25.8....
u Zagrebu, u Areni naravno...

ovo bi kao trebali biti koncerti zakazani u areni... emmm... 2 TH-ova konca?!?!... haha... a lol --- >

*haha... ne znam, nadam se da bude jedan od ovih datuma točan... bilo koji.. samo da je točaaan!!!!
ali s obzirom da ovo može svako napraviti ne znam... samo se nadam =))

Cinema Bizarre(blabla) o TOKIO HOTELU(smijeh)

You enough compared with Tokio Hotel. What do you think about Tokio Hotel and their music?
Strify: I really respect Tokio Hotel. They are very successful and one of German greatest bands in recent years. People compare us because we are in the same age, from Germany and we have a special appearance as well. But when you look closer to the music, you'll see the main difference between us, because we are very different bands. But I like them, they are cool guys.

Do you think that someone from the band has the same style as you?
Strify: I think Bill. Bill has the crazy hair.

*jao, jao, jaoo... jel ja to krivo vidim ili je to intervju za Buzznet?!?!
ooo fuck...xD
a ajd baš me zanima do kud će dogirat u Americi.. i dal će biti nominirani za VMA (haha bang)

a to e too...
glasajte za Comet!!!

mwa mwaaa

Post je objavljen 23.03.2009. u 17:20 sati.