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Proljećeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...

De colores, de colores se visten los campos en la primavera.
De colores, de colores son los pajaritos que vienen de afuera.
De colores, de colores es el arco iris que vemos lucir.

Y por eso los grandes amores de muchos colores me gustan a mí.
Y por eso los grandes amores de muchos colores me gustan a mí.

De colores, sí, de blanco y negro y rojo, y azul y castańo.
Son colores, son colores de gente que ríe, y estrecha la mano.
Son colores, son colores de gente que sabe de la libertad.

Y por eso los grandes amores ...
De colores, de colores son esos paisajes que visten la aurora.
De colores, de colores son las maravillas que el sol atesora.
De colores, de colores es el arco iris que vemos lucir.

Y por eso los grandes amores ...
All the colors, yes the colors we see in the springtime with all the of its flowers.
All the colors, when the sunlight shines out through a rift in the cloud and it showers.
All the colors, as a rainbow appears when a storm cloud is touched by the sun.

All the colors abound for the whole world around and for ev'ryone under the sun.
All the colors abound for the whole world around and for ev'ryone under the sun.

All the colors, yes the colors of people parading on by with their banners.
All the colors, yes the colors of pennants and streamers and plumes and bandannas.
All the colors, yes the colors of people now taking their place in the sun.

All the colors abound for the whole world around ...
All the colors, yes the black and the white and the red and the brown and the yellow.
All the colors, all the colors of people who smile and shake hands and say "Hello!"
All the colors, yes the colors of people who know that their freedom is won.

All the colors abound for the whole world around ...

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... Ova tradicionalna narodna pjesma je jako dobro poznata na španjolskom govornom području ...
... više na ...
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
... kod nas ju je prepjevao sastav 'Žeteoci' - tadašnja skupina bogoslova u samim počecima duhovne glazbe na našem području krajem 60 - tih ...
/rado bih stavila i naš prepjev, ali ga trenutno ne mogu naći/

........................................................................Ha, evo, pronašla sam ...
........................................................................i usput saznala nešto novo:
De colores ! je i pozdrav kursiljista /Cursillo - Mali tečaj kršćanstva/

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De colores!
pune boja i cvijeća su livade naše i polja!

De colores!
Kako divno je gledati ptice u proljeća ova!

De colores!
Iza kišnoga vremena zasja nam nebeski svod!

De colores!
Sve nas zove da gorućom ljubavlju idemo za ciljem koji nam sja!

De colores!
Noći nesta kad javi se svjetlost i radost ovlada!

De colores!
Svojom patnjom, trpljenjem i smrću Krist grijehe nadvlada!

De colores!
Svijet odahnu jer uskrsnu Isus i obnovi sve!

De colores!
Sve nas zove da gorućom ljubavlju idemo za ciljem koji nam sja ! ! !

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Post je objavljen 21.03.2009. u 13:48 sati.