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Ola ljudi...
Tila san nesto pisat ,azaboavila san sta.Ajme sta ono? evo bila san nesto bolesna sad san bolje. Bolje san i psihicki. Sta je nova? Lik koji mi se svida, sad kad ga vidin dode mi za plakat neznan zasto. Bila san malo prije na plesu tako san se ispucala izuzivala beskrajno. to mi je trebalo , nakupilo mi se puno energije ovo kad san bila bolesna. A ovo je sad drugi misec ili misec zaljubljenih. Kako me too nervira , Valentinovo ovo Valetinovo daj molinte i da san sretno zaljubljena nije li red nekakv uvik se volin i to pokazivat a ne samo na Valetinovo.... a mozda nisan upravo..uostalom izjasnite se...
I sta se tice rukometnog prvenstva moran i ja malo..ofc...a ono mislin ta euforija je malo pretjerana...sve mi jasno decki su' previse je brate previse,najedaput su svi strucnjaci za rukomet... Inace decki svaki cast!!!!

Sutra stize i pisma....ka i uvik uz svaki post...Lov ju

Vasa Filozofkinja...

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Dužna sam vam pimu pa:

Red rose
First time we were together you gave me
Red rose I though what cliché
But that rose became a sign of our love

You told me that I was a most beautiful rose
We were unbreakable everyone were so jealous of us
But we didn’t care we were happy and unbreakable
Red rose a sign of our love was always with me

Till one day you came to me and told me that
Your friend saw me with another man
You were med and you wouldn’t believe me
You believed them ,than I figured out that
There was another women and you lied that
Your what your friend told you
Red rose wasn’t there any more

Now at this moment I’m standing on the brig
Waiting you to came with red rose but I know
That you won’t and you are probably now
In her arms and your kissing her
And red rose is in her hand

My red rose is now fade

Post je objavljen 02.02.2009. u 22:13 sati.