Draghi Nashi,
Ne volimo uvodit politiku u Našu butigu. Mislimo da ima puno bojih stvari za pisat i komentirat – od robe priko spize i putovanja i opet do robe.
Svejedno, moramo spomenut da smo jučer bili na prosvjedu na trgu. Iako smo zagriženi poklonik prosvjećenog apsolutizma ipak smo išli u masu. Ali to ni bitno. Bitno je to da smo min bili u sivoj vesti iz Neba, Hyperspeed čizmama, jaketi od tamnega đinsa, super beskonačnim šalom iz hauhdema i cekertorbi od pusta (klik). I dok su se govornici deračili, nike su nas ženske sa strane omirale, ali s pozitivnim pogledima, komentirale našu vestu i govorile kako ona nika ima istu takvu vestu, samo crnu, i kako je vesta super. Nama je momentalno zasjalo modno sunce, neka je bila noć i dažjilo je, i bilo nan je drago da ovi narod ni izgubi osjećaj za stil čak i u najčudnijim momentima.
A pouka ove priče je da se svaka životna situacija može svest na ono najbitnije: što smo obukli.
Vesta i šal
Bursa i čizme
Yesterday night there were protests in Croatia We don’t want to mess with the politics here because there are much nicer things to comment and write about – from clothes to food and travel and back to clothes.
Anyway, we have to mention we joined the protest last night (click) although we are actually for the enlightened absolutism. But that is not important. The important is that we wore the grey dress from Nebo (Croatian fashion designers), the hyperspeed boots, the dark jeans jacket, the infinite scarf from H&M and the cool felt bag. And while the speakers were howling there were some women looking at us (but with positive looks), commenting on our dress and telling each other that some other women has the same dress, only in black, and how great is the dress. Suddenly the sun was shining upon us, although it was a rainy night, and we were glad that Croatians haven’t lost their sense of style even in the oddest moments.
The moral of the story is that whatever life brings there is always one thing that is really important: what are we wearing.