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Le sentiment amoureux n'eqale pas l'amour

sometimes she makes sounds imposible to hear.
then he listens without listening.
he feels her sounds.
she makes footprints in the snow as if it's the only thing to do while sad.
then he makes the sun jump up and melt the frezzings.
what will u say when he makes his move.
what will u think when he closes the infatnation.
what will ya feel when he starts to luv.

Infatnation is not as same as loving.
the former is something that she is glad to have.
something which connects her with the world.everdying world.
while the latter is a fruit ripned under the sun which he brought up to shine.

well, perhaps she does infact adoure the snow.
who said she dislikes the sadness and the snow footprints.
he will lose and brake.
his sun will set.
his love will freeze.

she will continue to be someone whose sounds make no fucking sound....
Love does not exist.
Infatnation is something joyful, something needful.
love is between the devil and the deep sea.
between the woe and joy.
why not choosing the infatnation has no woe in it.

Post je objavljen 19.11.2008. u 17:47 sati.