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hmmmm... ma vidjet ćete....

još 21 dan do novog DVD-a.....

Ovo mi se neda prevađati... valjda svi znate engleski...
ak ne znate samo me u komentarima pitajte kaj vas zanima.... ok???
ma pametni ste vi.... sretan

Scream in Bajo la Sal movie

The directors of Mexican film Bajo la Sal had announced the edition of the soundtrack.
Among the groups participating there’s Kinky, Satin Dolls, San Pascualito Rey, Bengala, Tokio Hotel and Marilyn Manson, with other prominent musicians.
Herminio Gutiérrez, one of the album producers, said during a press conference that they made a cautions selection, thus giving weight to the soundtrack.
The disc includes the tracks, Sweet Dreams by Marilyn Manson; Hansel & Gretel’s bollywood history from Porter; Scream from Tokio Hotel; Dime of Satin Dolls and How do they do that? from Kinky, and Cosas Infinitas of Bengala as the main theme, along with others.
The movie from the director Mario Muńoz, about several cases of femicide in a fictional town, and as the characters tried to solve them, has been well received by the public.

Neki videi.... onak... samo da jesu.... rolleyes

Tokio Hotel on Associated Press EMA Video

E da...
Skoro sam zaboravila....
Znate ono glasanje za Viva Style Award???
da, ne.... svejedno....sretan
Zato jer Tokio Hotel nije pobijedio... no
Monrose su im uzele nagradu... ali nema veze.. one nemaju ništa protiv njih... ak ste čitali onaj tekst sa onih slika iz TH Speciala... mogli ste pročitati da imaju samao riječi pohvale za njih.... yey...beljzubo

End sam pikčrs.... ludlud

Prvo neke slike iz epizode.... meni najdraže...


I njemački Bravo... tuzan


Ma idem sad... kisss
mwa mwa

Post je objavljen 14.11.2008. u 10:43 sati.