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Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite ili poznatiji kao Kaka

Jedan od ciljeva naše udruge je i predstaviti vrhunske sportaše koji su kršćani i koji se toga ne srame. Jedan od njih je svakako i Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite ili poznatiji kao Kaka.

Kaka je evanđeoski, nanovorođeni, vjernik koji aktivno živi i svjedoči svoju vjeru.

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U 2007. godini je proglašen najboljim igračem svijeta u izboru FIFPro-a, najboljim klupskim igračem u izboru UEFA-e, u čijoj Ligi Prvaka je bio najbolji napadač i najbolji strijelac u 2007. godini, te je postao dobitnikom Zlatne Lopte, kao najboljeg evropskog nogometaša. Po primitku nagrade, Kaka je prvo zahvalio Bogu, Njemu kojem zahvaljuje za svaki svoj pogodak u svakoj svojoj utakmici.

Kad je proglašen najboljim nogometašem u 2007. godini od strane FIFA-e na svečanosti dodjele nagrada rekao je:

- Ovo je posebna večer za mene. Kad sam bio dječak sanjao sam da igram u Sao Paulu i barem jednom u brazilskoj reprezentaciji. Ali u Bibliji piše: "Bog nam daje više nego što ga molimo". Upravo to se dogodilo u mom životu - kazao je Kaka. (Večernji list, 18.12.2007.)

U zadnje vrijeme objavljeno je nekoliko članaka koji govore o toj njegovoj strani života. Komentirali su kako je odlučio da neće spavati sa svojom budućom suprugom do vjenčanja, kako je odbio reklamirati alkoholna pića, o tome kako za razliku od svojih klupskih i kolega iz repke ne tulumari i kako ga ne prate skandali.

Nedavno je u jednom razgovoru otkrio svoju želju da po završetku nogometne karijere postane evanđeoskim propovjednikom.

„Jako bih to volio,“ kazao je Kaka u intervju-u za prosinačko izdanje talijanske verzije GQ-a. „To je težak put – jer potrebno je proučavati teologiju i produbljivati svoje poznavanje Biblije.“

„Evanđeoski propovjednik proučava Bibliju i prenosi zadaću,“ kaže Kaka. „Nije tako lagano u današnje društvo prenijeti nauke koji su napisani tisućama godina prije nas. Ali to je upravo zadatak propovjednika – da učini poruku Biblije važnom i primjenjivom.“.

 width= U nastavku vam dajemo njegovo svjedočanstvo/priču (na engleskom jeziku) koja je preuzeta s web stranice brazilske organizacije Atletas de Christo, koja okuplja poznate brazilske sportaše - kršćane.

ADC: What analysis do you make of your career?

Kaka: I always dreamed with the Brazilian National team. But it was only a dream! Since last year's National Cup until now this dream has turned into a career goal. Things really happened very fast to me. But God prepares us. If it did happen it's because God had prepared me. God has great things for us. If it's God's will that I be there, there will I be. God's will is good, perfect, and acceptable. For now I can only wait.

ADC: Tell us about your conversion.

Kaka: I was born to an evangelical home. My parents were already saved and I grew up in the presence of the Lord. My conversion occurred after my baptism, when I began having a relationship of Father to son with God. When I was baptized in 1994, something supernatural happened to me. I can not explain it, but after that experience I got closer to God, more in-tuned with Him. At that moment I was really born spiritually. I began to know God more in depth, and I've learned that faith works within the limits of the circumstances. With God things are solved at the last moment, and it is faith that decides whether something will happen or not.

ADC: How about one dramatic situation?

Kaka: It happened in October of 2000. I was playing at the Juniors Championship. I had gone to visit my grandparents (my father's side) in Caldas Novas, and there I slipped on a swimming pool slide, on a water-toboggan. When I fell into the water I hit my head on the bottom on the pool and twisted my neck, which caused a fracture on a vertebrae. The doctors said that I was lucky to be able to even walk normally. They were talking about luck and my family was talking about God. Back at home we always thanked God because we knew that it was His hand that had saved and protected me.

ADC: How about the Athletes of Christ?

Kaka: One thing that is really missing in the world today is initiative. Everyone wants to help out, but no one has initiative. The Athletes of Christ is a group through which the Word of God can reach out to athletes in a way that others can not.

ADC: And what does it mean in practice to be an Athlete of Christ?

Kaka: For me be an Athlete of Christ is not hard. I am on the soccer field what I am outside also. One needs to have tranquility, calmness. I will not brawl, even because I am not a brawler. But I am not supposed to be punching people up on the field or swearing. I don't want people to be saying of me," Look, that guy says one thing and does another". My concern before my fellow players and my adversaries is to be what I am and never say one thing and be something else. I seek to be a role model in the club. I seek to demonstrate what God has done for me and that He can do it in their lives as well. As much as possible I try saying something about Jesus, about life with God, to counsel and help others.

ADC: Give a message to our cyber-guests.

Kaka: To those who already have Jesus: you have made the best choice and are in the best team. Go ahead. Do not give up. The fight is great, but we can only win being on Jesus' side. To those who have not yet surrendered their lives to Jesus: What are you doing being outside of this team?! Come to learn the Word of God, come to know who God really is. Stop eating cookies, while God offers us a banquet...

File Summary:
Name: Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite
Born on 04/22/1982.
Idol: Jesus.
Role models in soccer: Raí and Zico.
Bible verse: I can do all things through Christ which strengheneth me, Philippians 4:13'.
In spare time: stay at home with my family, go to church, go for walks in the mall, and eat out. I have a normal life.

Evo još par njegovih slika koje pokazuju ono što on govori!!!

Post je objavljen 06.11.2008. u 10:32 sati.