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Saturday, October 18th, 2008
Feast of Saint Luke

Saint Luke was born of a pagan family. Converted to the faith, he became a fellow worker of the apostle Paul. From Saint Paul's preaching he compiled one of the Gospels. He handed down an account of the beginnings of the Church in another work, the Acts of the Apostles, which tells of events up to the time of Saint Paul's first sojourn in Rome.

Father, you chose Luke the evangelist to reveal by preaching and writing the mystery of your love for the poor. Unite in one heart and spirit all who glory in your name, and let all nations come to see your salvation. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Oče, izabrao si Luku Evanđelistu da svojim propovjedima i pisanjem siromasima objavi misterij Tvoje ljubavi. Ujedini u jedno srce i jedan duh sve koji slave u Tvoje ime, kako bi svi narodi vidjeli Tvoje spasenje. Udijeli nam to po Gospodinu Isusu Kristu, Tvom Sinu, koji živi i kraljuje s Tobom i Duhom Svetim, jednim Bogom, u vijeke vjekova. Amen

Danas se sjećam i za njih molim: svog kuma Luke Tokića, svog vjeroučitelja fra Luke Zorića, prijatelja don Luke Pavlovića i svih koji nose to lijepo ime. Daruj im Bože sve za što se i sami mole. Čuvaj ih i brani. Pošalji im Duha svoga Svetoga da ih jača, da ih tješi i da ih brani. Amen

Post je objavljen 17.10.2008. u 22:18 sati.