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Da li ste i Vi jedan ili jedna od nas milijuna, koji prakticki stalno gustamo u zvakacim gumama. Vjerojatno jeste, kao i ja. A jeste li postali dio mase koja zvace da bi zvakala a ne u biti gustala? Ili je vama samo zvakanje po sebi, gust?
Ili zvacete jer je to jednostavno tako, jer svi zvacu, a da ne bi ispali nesto drugo, da bi bili "fora", zvacemo.
Ili fakat, zvacete iz gusta? Ili.... stvarno vise ne znam sto bih koju varijaciju napisao.

Ali evo ovako. Pogledajte samo koliko reklama za zvakace gume na TV-u. Nisam ih zbrajao niti po broju niti vremenskom intervalu ponavljanja, ali... jeste mozda skuzili da su zvakace postale sinonim za ocuvanje, tzv. ocuvanje zubiju (carijes) i sto ja znam.

I gdje je tu gust? Gdje?

Jer, zvakace nekad nisu sluzile toj svrsi, vec zvakanju i uzivanju u aromama i okusu, i onako fora napuhavanjima balona (btw Orbiti nemaju te cari) jer, zvakace danas, vise nisu sto su bile, zar ne.

Sad je sve pretrpano u neke spojeve nafilane u tu masu koja, kao pomoci ce vam ocuvati zdrave zube. Bljak. Pitams e samo koliko kenije ima unutri, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

E ljudi moji, meni je to sve dakle, bljak. I koliko god recimo cool bio onaj Orbit grejp ili vec, ali nema meni do dobre stare Bazooke, Bubble Dubble, Brooklyn itd.

Eto malo, prilozih nesto nostalgicnih crteza i neki timeline postanka zvakace gume, za one (i za mene) koji nismo to znali.

A nacuo ja da u Getro-u imaju navodno Bazook-e i Bubble Dubble i neke kanadske kugle. I naravno, original recept. Sa cukrom :)


* The ancient Greeks chewed mastiche - a chewing gum made from the resin of the mastic tree.
* The ancient Mayans chewed chicle which is the sap from the sapodilla tree.
* North American Indians chewed the sap from spruce trees and passed the habit along to the settlers.
* Early American settlers made a chewing gum from spruce sap and beeswax.
* In 1848, John B. Curtis made and sold the first commercial chewing gum called the State of Maine Pure Spruce Gum.
* In 1850, Curtis started selling flavored paraffin gums becoming more popular than spruce gums.
* On December 28 1869, William Finley Semple became the first person to patent a chewing gum - U.S patent #98,304.
* In 1869, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna introduced Thomas Adams to chicle.
* In 1871, Thomas Adams patented a machine for the manufacture of gum.
* In 1880, John Colgan invented a way to make chewing gum taste better for a longer period of time while being chewed.
* By 1888, an Adams' chewing gum called Tutti-Frutti became the first chew to be sold in a vending machine. The machines were located in a New York City subway station.
* In 1899, Dentyne gum was created by New York druggist Franklin V. Canning.
* In 1906, Frank Fleer invented the first bubble gum called Blibber-Blubber gum. However, the bubble blowing chew was never sold.
* In 1914, Wrigley Doublemint brand was created. William Wrigley, Jr. and Henry Fleer were responsible for adding the popular mint and fruit extracts to a chicle chewing gum.
* In 1928, an employee of the Frank H. Fleer Company, Walter Diemer invented the successful pink colored Double Bubble, bubble gum. The very first bubble gum was invented by Frank Henry Fleer in 1906. He called it Blibber-Blubber. Fleer's recipe was later perfected by Walter Diemer, who called his product Double Bubble.


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Evo malo jedne cool reklame, za jos jednu prilicno dobru zvaku, ali su je na zalost srozali izbacivsi secer iz nje :(

Post je objavljen 17.08.2008. u 15:45 sati.