Pozdrav Penguins!
Brže pronalaženje prijatelja je jako važno. So the idea behind the new login feature is to help you find the servers where your buddies are quickly.
Here's the new login design. Beneath it is the the current login you're familiar with.
The new login shows you the servers you and your friends visit most frequently. In the current system you have to choose a country and then choose from a long list of servers that you may or may not visit.
For those of you who really like to see the entire list of servers, you'll definitely be able to do that too. But the default view will be grouped by servers you visit most with your friends--wherever you're from.
As always let us know what you think and what else you'd like to see with a login feature.
Do tada gegajte se!
Te je u Club penguin došao vatromet.
Post je objavljen 01.07.2008. u 12:41 sati.