take a walk downtown to where the victims go
take your shadow to the end to the very last window
everybody got friends got shot upside
and over down the line
everybody got assignations
I got mine
take a one way ticket to the main attraction
cut a hole between the ground and sky
take a railway track to a chain reaction
cross my heart and take a ride
far beyond the black horizon
beyond the things you know
everybody got a destination
everybody got a place to go
By Sisters of Mercy
Dragi moji,
Kao sto ste primijetili,Marina još uvijek putuje sa svojim futurističkom prtljagom.
Vremenom I prostorom. I zrakom i kopnom.
Kako bi zaokružio ovo seriju u trilogiju, da čujem vaše želje.
Čime će marina putovati u posljednjoj epizodi? (DeLorean je izvan konkurencije!)