Animula, vagula, blandula
Draghi Nashi,
Nećemo puno duljit, kratki uvod i odmah na stvar. Ergo, dok smo nekidan marljivo šalovali i postavljali lamperiju na našoj Baušteli u trenucima odmora otisnuli smo se prostranstvima Interneta u potrazi za malo intelektualne okrepe. Lutajući završili smo na stranicama British Museuma i doživili otkrivenje i prosvjetljenje u vidu jednega foršpana.
Min obožavamo foršpane, pola gusta u kinu su nam foršpani, razočaramo se kad ih nema na DVD-u, a ne volimo filmove skinute s Interneta zato što nemaju foršpane. Ali foršpan za izložbu još nismo vidili, još k tome ovako genijalan. I zato kad smo ovo vidili, totalno smo odvalili i pali na guzicu.
Nakon tega, dva dana smo bili pod dojmom i u totalnem šoku, znali smo da to moramo podijelit s Vama, ali nismo znali što napisat više od ovega gore. A onda smo počeli malo prškat i ponovo otkrili dokaze da je u Dalekocentričnom
svemiru život samo jedan veliki gesamtkunstwerk .
Redom. Marguerite Yourcenar je u Hadrijanovim memoarima opisala Hadrijanov život u epistalarnoj formi - Hadrijan piše pisma svom nasljedniku Marku Aureliju. Epistolarni roman nije nikakva novost, ali Yourcenar je mogla odabrat i bilo koju drugu formu romana. Isto kako što smo i Min i Vin mogli odabrat običnu formu bloga, ali odlučili se za epistolarnu!
Glas iz foršpana je Patrick Stewart, kapetan Jean-Luc Picard u Zvjezdanim stazama. Što najviše voli pit kapetan Picard? Čaj. Koji? Earl Grey. I tko još najvoli Earl Grey? Min!
Je li gremo u London?
Dear Daleky,
We’re not going to go deep now, a short introduction and then strait to the point. So, the other day, while we were diligently plastering and installing wood strip flooring and wall cladding, on the short break we set off to the open spaces of Internet looking for some intellectual refreshment. Strolling around we ended up at the British museum pages and experienced revelation and enlightenment in a form of a trailer.
We adore movie trailers, half of the reason why we enjoy going to the cinema are trailers, we get disappointed when DVD doesn’t have them, and we don’t like downloaded movies because they don’t have trailers. But we’ve never seen the trailer for an exhibition, so, when we saw this genial thing, we went totally crazy.
For two days afterwards we were under impression and totally shocked, we knew we have to share that with you, but we didn’t know what to write other than above introduction. But then we started to dig a bit and again we’ve discovered the evidences that in the Dalekycentric system life is just a magnificent gesamtkunstwerk .
First. Marguerite Yourcenar in Memoirs of Hadrian described Hadrian’s life in an epistolary form - Hadrian is writing letters to Marcus Aurelius, his heir. Epistolary novel is not a novelty but Yourcenar could choose any other form of novel. Just as you and us could have chosen ordinary blog form but we decided to use the epistolary one!
The voice on the preview is of Patrick Stewart, Captain Jean-Luc Picard from the Star Trek. What is Captain Picard’s favourite beverage? Tea. What sort? Earl Grey. Who prefers Earl Grey too? Us.
Are we going to London?
Post je objavljen 20.04.2008. u 22:36 sati.