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nedavno naletio na sajt BASH.ORG .

umirao od smijeha par sati.

u pitanju je stranica na kojoj su skupljeni biseri sa chatova, uglavnom iz SAD - a. ponekad su pomalo nerazumljivi ili vezani za interne fore ali stvarno ima besmrtnih spika kao što su lamentacije o kornjačama :

Jakefeb3: do you know a turtles only weakness?
AvatarOfSolusek: no
AvatarOfSolusek: well
AvatarOfSolusek: thier slowness
Jakefeb3: there weakness is they cant roll over when they are on their backs
AvatarOfSolusek: lol
Jakefeb3: now i have a plan
Jakefeb3: if i duck tape 2 turtles together they are unstoppable

...o stalkanju tj. uhođenju djevojaka...

i like stalked this girl sorta :D
like once she asked me for a ride home from work
and i took her home... i dropped her off at her house
and shes like... wait a did you know where i lived?

...o omiljenoj glazbi...

omg i love this song
Now playing: Unknown Artist - Track 2 @ 128 Kbps. (0:47/3:24)
blazemore: yeah, that's a bad ass song

...još malo o glazbi i o muškosti...

Miyomei2: I had my portable CD player, and took it in the bathroom with me while I went to pee.
Miyomei2: And the second I whipped my penis out, the theme song to 'Rocky' started playing.
Miyomei2: I've never felt more manly than in that moment.

...o pravopisu...

how u make that inverted b?
never mind

...o Napsteru..

I download something from Napster
And the same guy I downloaded it from starts downloading it from me when I'm done
I message him and say "What are you doing? I just got that from you"
"getting my song back fucker"

...o bolnim prekidima..

my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
yeah.i sent them to her dad

...o patkama...

I swear to god
I've just heard a duck tell a joke
there was as group of ducks on a pond near where i live
one of the ducks was quacking away looking straight at a group of like 10 ducks
then he stopped and all the other ducks went mental
it looked just like duck stand-up comedy

...i o ženama...

women ask for it
they act all old and mature
and then you stick your cock up their ass
and they get all bitchy
"I"M ONLY 13, I'M ONLY 13!!!"

67% of girls are stupid
i belong with the other 13%

JstWnnaHveFuN08: do you think i should call a guy friend and talk to him about my problems? or will he not care?
Thilo: Here's how it works: if a guy helps you with your problems, you're obligated to give him a blowjob.
JstWnnaHveFuN08: lol thanks that cheered me up
Thilo: No problem. That'll be one blowjob please.

i moja dva favorita - kratke pričice o policajkama

<@AntiHeiss> friend of mine went to jail last night
<@AntiHeiss> he probably isn't getting out for a while
<%The_Coolest> y?
<+Enyo> why?
<%The_Coolest> :o
<@AntiHeiss> it was a girl cop, she was pretty cute too
<@AntiHeiss> she said anything you say can and will be held against you....he sat there for a while and said 'tits'

...i zašto je susjed zamrzio jednog lika :

Rabidplaybunny87: Okay, so my neighbors officially hate me
GarbageStan23: why?
Rabidplaybunny87: Well, me, david and andrew were having a bonfire in the backyard, and we were making s'mores and all... and suddenly we here sirens, and see a firetruck turn into the street in front of us.
Rabidplaybunny87: So we all went running to see what was up, and our neigbor's house was on fire!
GarbageStan23: oh shit!
Rabidplaybunny87: Yeah, and when we got there, the wife was crying into her husbands arms, and we were just kinda standing there, and then she saw us, and then like for 10 seconds, gave us the dirtiest look ever
Rabidplaybunny87: Turns out, we were still holding our sticks with marshmallows on it, watching the fire....
Rabidplaybunny87: talk about bad timing...

hahahahaha...samo čekam da se netko kod nas sjeti pa da napravi sličan sajt sa biserima sa domaćih foruma i chatova...a i blogova....

P.S. evo još jedan o zavođenju :

#1 pickup line of all time: "Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?

Post je objavljen 14.04.2008. u 17:17 sati.