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Trebao bih donji text iskusiti u stvarnosti da ga malo bolje napišem.... al za sada stoji ovako. jednoj sam osobi rekao da ovako zamišljam kako će se nešto dogoditi. Malo sam promijenio koncept, tako da se ne začudi i ne zabrine se.
Hm, da malo detaljnije opišem, tekst je koma i neću ga ovakvog staviti u knjigu. Em to kaj nema ljudi, em to kaj sam uzeo početni dio razgovora koji je mješavina razgovora sa neodlučnim ljudima i ono što mi se pmotalo po glavi je bilo više romance like, ne ovo činjenice-like.

...and everybody laughed at it! As it was a matter of laughing! Garcia felt sad.
"No, you're wrong." he said, calmly looking at the lot. They continued to laugh, although few did realized he wasn't joking - was serious.
#1, still laughing, asked him loudly, still thinking him joking:"That's very funny one there, Garcia", and continued to laugh.
Garcia sadly sighed, turning his stare down. It hurt him. He expected better of them, Lylah sure did spoke highly of them, and the expectations were amazingly well, but this one flaw blackened them almost to the core. With another sigh, he looked up, looked at them. They were laughing as almost as hard as if they didn't laughed in years. So, another finding proved to bi fatal. Desnom rukom si je gladio čelo. Will I ever find people with more open mind? he thought bitter-sad.
Exalting air, he turned his eyes to his left, toward Lylah. She looked...struck. The look in her eyes told him of the situation - she too found it funny, but not to such degree, and was hurt both by the reaction of her friends, and at Garcia's reaction toward it all. She looked down, probably of the uncomforted feelings. Now he felt sad!...only... a thing occurred to his mind...
"No." he loudly announced, head still bent down. It halfly broke the laughing, but it did shake it well. "You're all wrong." When almost everybody silenced, he raised his head to look at them, their eyes. Some showed surprise, some expectation, some eagerness (probably for another joke as they thought it) and only a few of them were serious. With a stab of anger, he continued.
"Why did you find it funny?" he asked. Some giggled (surely in expectation of another burst of a laughing matter...damn them!). "Tell me." he politely asked, showing he isn't impressed, folding his over chest, radiating I-am-not satisfied.
They looked over one another, and only sound which came was of those who still thought Garcia's gonna say another outstanding joke, chuckling. As his position remained, even those giggling stopped to giggle and got on with worry faces. "Tell me, I'm waiting."
One of them (#2)finally spoke: "Because she looks so stupid, and in my taste quite non-attractive and her voice tells of a sudden boredom that's about to endure." and others nodded and sounded agreement. Just about to say that he's disappointed, someone said "Don't tell me you disagree with that!", person's voice quite honestly.
"Of course I do not agree with your stupidity!" burst Garcia out, eyes filled with anger and astonishment. Ostali ga stali samo bljedo gledati.
Osjecajuci ljutnju na njihovo očekivanje za njega, samo je govorio "To što neka osoba nema izgled tebi po volji ne znači da je ispod tebe." Negodovali su pogledima. "To što netko nema izgled koji te privlači ne znači da osoba bezvriedna, upravo naprotiv, možda te ta osoba najugodnije iznenadi od skoro svih koje bi mogli i koje jeste mogli uponzati da se ne držite svojih primitivnih mišljenja!". Some of them even snorted on the whole thing, but Garcia didn't give a damn. He was so disappointed he didn't care about them in a way . "Kažete da ste iskreni, e, pa niste! Cijelo vrijeme vas slušam i gledam. Pola toga je samo površina, cijeli se krijete unutra. Lylah je tako visoko govorila o vama,a ispada da i vi živite u iluziji kao većina caj-ser-ua." Tu su svi potpuno začepili, openly astonished by his words. "Ne znam jeli još gore ili ne činjenica da vam je toliko to označeno u glavi kao što je i kod njih." Tu je stao na mali trenutak. "Tako sam lijepo mišljenje i dojam imao o vama i sada ste sve uništili. Gledate vanjšninu... " rekao je tresući glavom, glas pun...pun emocija.
"Pa znamo mi da nije površina ono najbitnije...", započeo je #3, ali ga je Garcia presjekao: "Pa zašto se onda toga ne pridržavate
?" energično je upitao.

(rasprava...Gariciji neide baš najbolje...)

"Ma evo vam primjer - Lylah!" Kaže naposlijetku, upirući otvorenim ispruženim dlanom lijeve ruke prema njoj. "Ona ima sve osobine koje ja trebam, očekujem, želim..." nije niti skužio da je ustao i da rukama leti po zraku "

sramota za mene. jest da je prošlo sat i pol otkad mi je to palo na apmet, ali nevjerojatno je kako ja brzo izgubim onaj čar iz misli, kako izgubim riječi. još jedan text propao -.-

Post je objavljen 11.04.2008. u 20:05 sati.