Draghi Nashi,
Imate pravo. Nikomu ne treba dat ništa. Treba se izdić iznad malomišćanskega sindroma svojte iz svita. Primjenit načelo reciprociteta - odnosno koliko vin nama toliko i min vama. Znači, Svojta iz svita nama bookmarke, DVD sa snimkom njihovih rođendana i novine iz aviona - min njima menestru u suho (na pamidore, ne na kozice!), frigane kompire i kruh od jučer.
Znamo da je to teško, znamo da je u našoj tradiciji i mentalitetu ukorijenjen nagon da se prid Svojtu iz svita iznosi samo oborita riba i najveći škampi, da se kuća glanca danima prin, da se gre na frizure i obuca odjela od nedije. Ali tu praksu treba prekinut. Za naše dobro.
Evo baš gledamo kako je ti mentalitet prisutan i u strukturama vlasti. Kako su naši ugostili Busha? Prvo se grad uglanca, očisti, sredi, posadilo se cviće. Za večeru samo probrani bokuni, riba naravno, od pića dingač i žlahtina, a sigurni smo da je rožata bila učinjena samo od najboljih domaćih jaja. Vidili smo i da su gosti dobili brojne poklone, jer, božemoj, kako će se vratit u svit praznih ruka. Baš nas zanima što su domaćini dobili? Pepeljare iz Bijele kuće, salvete iz restorana, ćikolaticu koja se da uz kafu, sapune iz hotela?
Ali nismo o ovemu htili pisat, nego nam se već dva dana vrti po glavi tema iz klasične starine.
Bauštela pred nas postavlje razne izazove u kojima Naše znanje kunsthisterije i povijesti općenito dobro posluži. Ali neki dan smo postavljajući pločice nabasali na podatak o rimskom caru Probu koji je sadi vinograde. Prob? Tražilica u našoj glavi ni izbacila ništa. Onda smo se uputili informatičkom autocestom i našli ovo. Tako smo doznali da je Marko Aurelije Prob rođen u Sirmiumu i da su ga tamo i ubili njegovi vojnici zato što ih je tjera da u vrime mira sadu vinovu lozu, umisto da se izležavaju. Genijalno. Pokrećemo inicijativu da se ustanovi nagrada Marko Aurelije Prob i dodijeli vinogradaru koji djeluje pod iznimno teškim uvjetima!
Onda smo kliknuli na link Sirmium i u poglavlju Nepotrebni arheološki podaci pročitali: „In early 1970s American archeologists sponsored by the US Government made an offer to the citizens of Sremska Mitrovica to completely rebuild the town on another location so that the town could be excavated. The town government refused the request immediately, under pressure from the then hard-socialist Yugoslav government.”
Daleky, ne virujemo u intelektualnu nadmoć Europljana nad Amerikancima, ali moramo reć da bi ovo samo Amerikancima moglo past napamet.
Over and out,
English text for our international audience
Respecting the demand of our international audience we decided to try to write in English more often. But, first we have to explain to them why we are using plural all the time. Because in the world of golly&bossy the authors call each other Daleky and communicate exclusively using majestic plural.
So, don’t be confuse, when we write we we usually mean I.
Another thing in our elaborate communicational code is that we (meaning I) are working as a construction worker at the baustelle (it is too complicate to explain why we’re using the German word) but we are using our own crooked orthography and write it as Baushtela. While we are working on the Baushtela surrounded with cement, mortar, bricks etc., Daleky are ploughing on the field of the culture.
So, here is the todays post:
Dear Daleky,
For two days now we are thinking about a subject from the classical antiquity.
Our Baustelle is quite challenging and our knowledge from the art history and the history in general often comes handy. But, the other day while we were installing kitchen tiles we came out to the information about Roman emperor Probus who planted vineyards. Probus? The search tool in our head showed 0 results. Then we set of towards the informational highway and found this. OK, Wikipedia in Croatian gives a bit different information about the life of Probus then the English one so we discovered that Marcus Aurelius Probus was born in Sirmium and that he was killed there by his own soldiers because in the time of peace he made them plant vineyards instead of letting them just chill out. A genius. We'll start an initiative to institute an award called ”Marcus Aurelius Probus” for a winegrowers working in extremely difficult conditions!
Then we clicked the link Sirmium and in the chapter Archeological trivia we read this: „In early 1970s American archeologists sponsored by the US Government made an offer to the citizens of Sremska Mitrovica to completely rebuild the town on another location so that the town could be excavated. The town government refused the request immediately, under pressure from the then hard-socialist Yugoslav government.”
Dear Daleky, we don’t believe in intellectual superiority of Europeans over Americans, but we have to say that only Americans could think of something like this.
Over and out,