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Proljece nam dolazi...(mos si mislit)

U zadnjih par godina se ovdje u Njemackoj ustalio neki cudan obrazac da je kraj februara i pocetak marta topao i blag i taman kad se pojave prvi vjesnici proljeca onda se ponovo sve preokrene i cini se kao da se zima vratila.
Obicno opet bude mraza ujutro, puse hladan vjetar a nije rijetkost da padne i snijeg. Prosle godine, ako me pamcenje ne vara, smo imali veliki snijeg u aprilu.

No svejedno, postoji neki kratki period, od par dana, kada se cini da je proljece blizu i kad covjeka uhvati taj neki proljetni duh pa se zaslijepljen od nade upusta u neke tipicno proljetne aktivnosti, kao sto su "proljetno" uredjene kuhinje- rezulatate kojeg mozete promotriti na slikama ispod:

In the last few years, a strange pattern has established itself here in Germany : we tend to have really mild and warm end of February/beginning March and just as soon as the first spring flowers start to emerge the weather suddenly changes for worse. It feels like winter has returned , with frost, cold winds and even snow (last year we had huge snowfall in Munich in April).
Despite all of that, there is a brief period when one feels as if spring is in the air and starts to act accordingly ;o). The result of this year’s disillusion on my part is a bold attempt to “bring spring into the kitchen” with peculiar choice of colour.
You can whitness the results below :

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a ova ukusna vecera je po receptu Ane Ugarkovic: filet od lista sa zapecenim krompirom..

and this delicious recipe is from a croatian TV cook : sole filet with sliced potatoe crust

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a da ne mislite da lazem, ova slika je snimljena krajem februara u okolici Erlagena..

and so you wouldnt think I am lying, this picture was taken end of Feb in the backcountry of Erlangen:

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ali sad se zima vec dobrano vratila (najavljuju snije za sljedeci tjedan) tako da se jedino mozemo tjesiti sobnim cvijecem..

but the winter returned in the meantime, so we can only take comfort in whatever flowers we have inside the room..
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Post je objavljen 13.03.2008. u 21:26 sati.