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2. priče:Star Wars last fight of the force i Indiana Jones and the magic whip

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A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away.

Nakon povratka zadnjeg jedija počinje pobuna sitha.Rodio se najveći sith Darth Trooser i započeo pobunu sa svojom vojskom Dark piratesa.Dark piratesi su klonovi obučeni u crno odijelo s robotskim dodatcima i oružijima.Za to vrijeme Luke Skywalker i Han Solo bili su u letjelicama.Han Solo postao je vojnik novih jedia.Luke je bio najveći jedi i postao je glavni član novog jedaiskog vijeća.Imao je svoga učenika, zvao se Rennay Loker.Luke ga je uzeo zato što je imo u sebi jaku silu.Darth Trooser svakog je dana je okupljao veći dio vojske da se dogovore o napadu na novo jedaisko vijeće.Oni su znali da su se rodili novi jediji:to su :Rennay Loker,Ray Fernus,Truk Dayzabo i drugi pa su se morali jako poboljšati.Jedai nisu znali za pobunu i zato se nisu mogli pripremati,ali bili su dosta jaki da pobjede bar Darth Troosera.Na planetu Sidiusu koji je naziv dobio po Darth Sidiusu, Han Solo je dobio zadatak da on i Luke osvoje bivši tajni teritorij sitha,ali nisu znali da tamo Darth Trooser okuplja svoju vojsku za napad.Kad je došlo vrijeme pobune Dark piratesi i njihov vođa izašli su iz teritorija.Han i Luke vidjeli su njihov izlazak i upozorili su vijeće.Pošto su se i oni morali boriti brzo su pošli do planeta Tatooinea gdje je središte vijeća.Usput su s drugih planeta pokupili ostalu vojsku.Kad je invazija došla do Tatooinea svi su bili spremni i dobro obučeni(pripljemljeni)za borbu.U tom ratu poginulo je dosta jedia i njihove vojske,Han Solo je bio teško ozkijeđen,ali ga je Luke odnio u bolnicu.Kada je iz letjelice izašao Darth Trooser Luke Skywalker je skočio do njega i počeo se boriticlick to comment.Duh njegova oca Anakina Skywalkera i duh jedi mastera Yode su mu govorili razne poteze sile.U toj borbi nakon što je Luke pobijedio svi su tu borbu nazvali zadnja borba sile jer su više koristili silu nego lightsabere i zato što sithi nisu više nikad postojali.Dark piratesi su pobjeđeni neakon naređenja generala Hana Sola da se njegova vojska lažno povuče.I tako je u svemiru nastao mir.
djanic1 i domingo22.

Indiana jones
and the
magic whip

That is part about magic whip.Indiana Jones is searching him in the all caverns and towns and he found answer.He and his dad are going to one town.His dad knows all about magic whip and town where them going.The name of town is Currele it“s the lost city of magic whip.
nobody never found that city.When they found that town they see scary and dangeroous tracks
everywhere.They walk carefully and they not step on any track.they go to one coldly house
Indiana Jones:and people says,any town is nice, this town is abandoned!Father:Junior don“t say that about this town it“s not abandoned be careful.And then goes action Idianas father fall into a track(big hole).Indiana Jones is holding him.Indiana Jones:hold my hand very hard!
And they have much luck that time but they are very careful.Father:left or right,i don“t know the way.Indiana Jones:how do you mean i“m don“t know the way!Father:i“m not investigate everything Junior!Indiana Jones:i told you don“t call me Junior.And he kill all bad germans in the streat whit his whip and his new great revolver.Indiana Jones:this pistol is very very fast.Father:what are you do,come,we are searching magic whip and you wont it remember!Indiana Jones:oh, yes!And they go to theirs plane.Father:we were not found anything.Indiana Jones:i know!next day they go to one big hill and they fall trought the hill in one small cavern.Indiana Jones:this cavern smell like man flesh!Father:yes!Indiana Jones:let“s go to the light, there is small gap!And they go to the light and they hear somebody.
Father:quietly, there is someone behind the wall!Then Indiana Jones brake down the wall.Autochthons are been around them.Father:be calm.Chief of autochthons:what are you doing here?This is our territory!Indiana Jones:we are looking for magic whip for the museum!
Chief of autochthons:then we must kill you!kill them my servants!The autochthons are jumping with their spears.Father:Junior what we do now?Indiana Jones:i kill them, you do what do you want i kill them because you call me Junior!Indiana Jones have revolver and he kill them.The chief is escaping.Father:catch him!Indiana Jones:ok!The chief is escape from them, but he is not escape he is hideing.Indiana Jones:he take magic whip!But Indiana Jones kill him with revolver.Then he take the magic whip.Indiana Jones:i have the whip!Father:let“s go to the museum.Indiana Jones:ok!They go to their plane and with plane to the Museum.In museum Indiana and his father talking to them cheif about advantures in the hill and about how much cash they get.Cheif: you can have 100.000$ and the magic whip because they past to much dangerous moments.Indiana Jones:oh, thank you!Indiana Jones is very happy he knows the the top of the whip can throw electricity and the whip is fast like flash
burninmaddjanic1 i domingo22puknucu

Post je objavljen 08.03.2008. u 08:49 sati.