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riječima moje sestre, neki jednostavno ne znaju

danas se objesila cura od 14. god, sedmi razred, u Našicama. ostavila je oproštajno pismo u kojem govori samo da voli svoju obitelj, razloga nema...
u ponedjeljak se vlastoručno zapalio također učenik sedmog razreda, u Varaždinu. preživio je, ali s jako malim šansama jer mu opekline zahvaćaju više od 90% tijela. postoje dvije teorije razloga. jedna je da se htio ubiti zbog nesretne ljubavi, a druga da je htio ispasti faca oponašajući gluposti s you tubea. bila ijedna ili nijedna teorija točna, to nisu razlozi, tek povod.
i za onu sedamnaestogodišnjakinu iz Mača pretpostavlja se da se htjela ubiti...
nije smjela uspjeti.

pravi razlog tih događaja su teške unutarnje borbe u tim osobama. za sve njih kaže se da su iz pristojnih i normalnih obitelji. ali nitko ne zna što se događa između četiri zida...
osobe koje prijete samoubojstvom u većini slučajeva samo žele svratiti pažnju sami na sebe i u biti nikada ne bi prešli s riječi na djelo. osobe s pravom namjerom za samoubojstvo nikada nikome ne govore da pate. sve je normalno i skladno... to je stvar isključivo unutarnjeg sukoba. i upravo zbog toga što se više ne mogu nositi sami sa sobom, oni se odlučuju na taj korak. neki to nazivaju sebičnim činom...

poznajem dosta osoba koje se samoranjavaju. SVI kao razlog navode to da je lakše podnijeti psihičku bol ako je prenesu na fizičku. točno tim riječima. ja to i dalje ne razumijem.

potresaju me ta događanja.


sjetite se Vedrana Juričeva-Martinčeva. sjetite se Marka Zavodnika. oni su, prema riječima onih koji su ih poznavali, oni su uvijek imali osmijeh na licu. ali vjerujem da smo trebali na vrijeme zanemariti osmijehe i prepoznati tugu u njihovim očima.

moja sućut osobama koje su bile bliske tim svima koji su ikad uspjeli u...

želim s vama podijeliti dvije pjesme:

Kelly Rowland: Stole

He was always such a nice boy
The quiet one
With good intentions
He was down for his brother
Respectful to his mother
A good boy
But good don't get attention
One kid with a promise
The brightest kid in school
He's not a fool
Reading books about science and smart stuff
It's not enough, no
Cause smart don't make you cool, whoa

He's not invisible anymore
With his Father's 9 and a broken fuse
Since he walked through that classroom door
He's all over primetime news

Mary's got the same size hands
As Marilyn Monroe
She put her fingers in the imprints
At Mann's Chinese Theater Show
She coulda been a movie star
Never got the chance to go that far
Her life was stole
Now we'll never know

They were crying to the camera
Said he never fitted in
He wasn't welcomed
He showed up to the parties
He was hanging in
Some guys puttin' him down
Bullying him round round
Now I wish I woulda talked to him
Gave him the time of day
Not turned away
If I woulda been the one to
maybe go this far
He might have stayed at home
Playing angry chords on his guitar

He's not invisible anymore
With his baggy pants and his legs in chains
Since he walked through that classroom door
Everybody knows his name

Mary's got the same size hands (Oh)
As Marilyn Monroe
She put her fingers in the imprints (Ooh)
At Mann's Chinese Theater Show
She coulda been a movie star
(She coulda been a movie
star, oh)
Never got the chance to go that far
Her life was stole
Now we'll never know
(Now we'll never know, oh)

Greg was always getting
net from 20 feet away (20
feet away)
He had a try out with the Sixers
Couldn't wait for Saturday (Saturday)
Now we're never gonna see him slam
Flying high as Kobe can
His life was stole (Stole)
Oh now we'll never know

Mary's got the same size
hands (Same size hands)
As Marilyn Monroe (Oh)
She put her fingers in the imprints
At Mann's Chinese Theater Show
(She was gonna be a star)
She coulda been a movie star (Oh no)
Never got the chance to go that
far (Never got the chance)
Her life was stole (Stole, stole)
Oh now we'll never know
(Now we'll never never know, no)

Oh no no no
Yeah their lives were stole

now we'll never know
we were here all together yesterday

ova pjesma govori o tragediji u Columbineu:

P.O.D. : Youth Of The Nation

Last day of the rest of my life
I wish I would've known
Cause I didn't kiss my mama goodbye

I didn't tell her that I loved her and how much I care
Or thank my pops for all the talks
And all the wisdom he shared

Unaware, I just did what I always do
Everyday, the same routine
Before I skate off to school

But who knew that this day wasn't like the rest
Instead of taking a test
I took two to the chest

Call me blind, but I didn't see it coming
Everybody was running
But I couldn't hear nothing

Except gun blasts, it happened so fast
I don't really know this kid
Even though I sit by him in class

Maybe this kid was reaching out for love
Or maybe for a moment
He forgot who he was
Or maybe this kid just wanted to be hugged
Whatever it was
I know it's because

We are, We are, the youth of the nation

Little Suzy, she was only twelve
She was given the world
With every chance to excel

Hang with the boys and hear the stories they tell
She might act kind of proud
But no respect for herself

She finds love in all the wrong places
The same situations
Just different faces

Changed up her pace since her daddy left her
Too bad he never told her
She deserved much better

Johnny boy always played the fool
He broke all the rules
So you would think he was cool

He was never really one of the guys
No matter how hard he tried
Often thought of suicide

It's kind of hard when you ain't got no friends
He put his life to an end
They might remember him then

You cross the line and there's no turning back
Told the world how he felt
With the sound of a gat


Who's to blame for the lives that tragedies claim
No matter what you say
It don't take away the pain

That I feel inside, I'm tired of all the lies
Don't nobody know why
It's the blind leading the blind

I guess that's the way the story goes
Will it ever make sense
Somebody's got to know

There's got to be more to life than this
There's got to be more to everything
I thought exists

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Post je objavljen 05.03.2008. u 15:03 sati.