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pro bowl

MacBook Pro - Pro or not to Pro? -

I bought a Black Macbook about 1 week ago.

I have been reading through alot of posts and 2008 pro bowl seems a high percentage 2008 pro bowl people pro bowl players MBP's.

Should I eat the 140 dollar restocking fee and return my Macbook and just buy a Pro?
Do you feel as if the MB isn't fulfilling your needs?

If so then yes, if not...

Why spend extra cash just because everyone else has one?I'd personally prefer to have the MBP but it was too expensive and the MB does everything I need, and more. pro bowl
probowl MBP is awesome mate.

But personally, the only reason I would ever go for a MacBook is because it not only looks sexy, but its 2008 pro bowl to carry around so you can get it out and show it off .

As a student, I sometimes wish I bought the MacBook but I'm happy with my choice for a MBP. probowl
Quote: MBP is awesome pro bowl lineup personally, the only reason I would ever go for a MacBook is because it not only looks sexy, but its small to carry around so you can get it out and show it off .

As a student, I sometimes wish I bought the MacBook but I'm happy with my choice for a MBP.

I agree as being a student that the MBP sometimes seems to big, pro bowl when I am at home, I love having 2008 pro bowl extra screen space.

I'm happy with my MBP! probowl pro bowl players
^^ x3i probowl my previous macbook, but i like my pro also just as much.differences in each machine, make them both ideal i think pro bowl 2008
Quote: ^^ x3i miss my previous macbook, but i like my pro also just as much.differences in each machine, make them both ideal i think Ditto.

IMHO the MacBooks are prettier and cooler.

The MBP have 2008 pro bowl arguably better keyboard and of course the larger screen.

Not everything is better in pro bowl 2008 though, so you don't need to carry around that "shoulda woulda coulda" feeling if you keep the MB.The specs and the price tags speak for themselves.

(Although one thing that may not be apparent is the MBs don't have an pro bowl (i.e., PCMCI) slot.)/grass+otherside!==greener pro bowl players
pro bowl 2008 pro bowl I actually prefer the keyboard on mb.

It feels better to me.

I have a mbp, and probowl buddy has a mb, and i think i would have been just fine with a mb.
pro bowl lineup pro bowl 2008 It really depends on your needs.

As many others in this thread have pro bowl if it's meeting your needs, why spend the extra money?When I bought a PowerBook instead of an iBook, I did so because the specs were drastically different.

I spent a lot more money, but the type of work I do required a higher-end machine.When I decided to sell my pro bowl and pro bowl lineup to an Intel Mac, I was faced with a different situation.

The MacBook Pro specs were better than the MacBook, but not in areas that affected me.

I didn't plan on doing any intense video editing or 3D gaming, so the superior video capabilities weren't necessary.

I also had no intention of upgrading to 3GB of RAM, or using the express slot.So, I opted to buy the high-end MacBook.

I maxed out the Memory (2GB), and pro bowl upgraded the Hard Drive (7200 RPM 100GB).

As a result, I have a fantastic development machine that meets all of my needs.Sorry for the long explanation.

Just figured I'd share my own experiences.
pro bowl players pro bowl players These are all great opinions, you guys are great, gave pro bowl good reps!

THANKS! Question though, can you upgrade to wireless N with the MBP?

I paid with my discount 1468.00 for my macbook.

Now, minus 140 = 1328.00.

I would be paying an extra 672.00 with tax to get it!!

Wow! Gotta really think about this.

I am going to the apple store today and start playing with the MBP.

Also...should I wait a few months to sell and upgrade or just right out return it and buy the MPB now?

Been reading alot in this forum about a possible upgrade soon.

I could always sell it as soon as I know something new IS coming out, right?

2008 pro bowl, probowl, pro bowl 2008, pro bowl players, pro bowl lineup

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Post je objavljen 05.02.2008. u 00:35 sati.