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outThere - Niki de Saint Phalle / Matthew Buckingham

Niki de Saint Phalle in Tate Liverpool (1 February - 5 May 2008)

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Niki de Saint Phalle
Autel O.A.S 1962–92
courtesy Musee d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain
© 2008, NIKI CHARITABLE ART FOUNDATION, All rights reserved

Tate Liverpool will present the first UK exhibition of the work of Franco-American painter and sculptor Niki de Saint Phalle since her death in 2002. The exhibition presents a comprehensive survey of the artist’s entire career and will include key examples from all phases of her work; from her early assemblages and paintings in the 1950s, her acclaimed /Shooting Paintings/ in the early 1960s, her religious altars and bride sculptures in the mid 1960s, the Nanas and larger sculptural works, a wide selection of graphic work, to her late works including drawings and model sculptures from her /Tarot Garden/.

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Niki de Saint Phalle
Film Still -- From Daddy 1972
All rights reserved 2007.

Beautiful, flamboyant, daring, provocative and fiercely independent, Niki de Saint Phalle emerged in the 1960s as a powerful and original figure in the masculine international arts world centred around Paris. Yet despite her association with the Nouveau Réalistes, and a number of collaborations with many of the world’s leading artists and her marriage to Jean Tinguely, her work has been overlooked, or dismissed as merely playful. A believer in mythology and fairytales, her work is bright and colourful, demonstrating an exuberant love of life, at the same time revealing a certain darkness. This exhibition, a wide-ranging presentation of the work and exploration of her themes and concerns, will attempt to address this oversight and bring her work to a wider audience.

Izvor: e-flux,Tate Liverpool

Matthew Buckingham at Index, the Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation (February 7 - April 6, 2008)
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What separates the firm document from what history randomly will preserve? What remains of a story when first hand accounts and visual representation is no longer imminent? The works of Matthew Buckingham (born 1963, Nevada, Iowa) reveals an interest in the construction of historical reality, and how genres like film and literature connect to notions of history and its underlying narratives. Here, such conceptions are put under scrutiny and given a visual representation, whilst narrative structures are made meaningful by elements of voice-over.

In the artist’s solo exhibition at Index, Buckingham juxtaposes Image of Absalon to Be Projected Until it Vanishes (2001) and False Future (2007), two works addressing ideas of historical presence versus the nonappearance. False Future, a 16 mm film installation tells the story of Louis Le Prince, the French inventor who, after his technological invention consisting of an eight-lens camera, mysteriously disappears after stepping onto a train in 1890. Was the surviving footage of the protagonist’s 1888 film photographic experiment – a split-second showing horses, carts and pedestrians crossing Leeds Bridge – an ambition to record moving images? With Buckingham’s returning to the historical site and his recreation of the motive, it becomes a ten-minute cinematic short story which seeks to unearth a forgotten or lost story hidden beneath its archival surface.

Buckingham’s slide piece Image of Absalon to Be Projected Until it Vanishes portrays the statue of Copenhagen’s mythical founder Absalon towards a wide open sky – shot from behind, almost disappearing and out of frame. The fact that the slide is slowly fading away due to the heat of the projected light contributes to the work’s transitional nature – an image and a legend returning to point zero where meaning has to be rediscovered.

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Matthew Buckingham received his B.A. in film production and film studies from the University of Iowa in 1988, and in 1996 he completed an M.F.A. at Bard College. In 1997, he participated in the Whitney Independent Study Program, New York.

The exhibition at Index will be accompanied by the following events:

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
6pm: Lecture Trond Lundemo: “Immersion and Absence in Early Cinema”, in English

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
8pm: Lecture Work Method (Guillaume Désanges and François Piron): ”Work and Method presents: Appropriate answers to various situations in the field of curatorial practice”, in English

Izvor: e-flux, Index, the Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation


Post je objavljen 03.02.2008. u 15:12 sati.