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...One night and one more time...Thanks for the memories...Even though they weren't so great...

Evo mene...fino
Dosla sa rodjendana osobe koju ne mrzim.. ili je po njegovom zakljucku mrzim...Da...
Ne znam sta da vam kazem... Rodjendan je iskreno bio sranje, i to da ne moze bit vece, jer kao sto ste zakljucili, dosla san na rodjendan osobi koja me nije u stanju pogledat u oci, a mi bi tribali biti prijatelji...
Za*ebite vi to, opet sam ja ispala glupa... Da...
Kao sto ste mogli zakljucit, ja sam ta koja se tila pomirit i ta koja je ispala glupa jer ova osoba misli da ju prezirem... Pih...
Ne znam zasto uopce pisem o svemu ovome, nebi da ce mi ovo sta pomoc... Ne kuzim muske.. Definitivno...lud Zasto im je toliko komplicirano pogledat ljudima u oci? Vjerojatno on mene jos uvijek mrzi (iz naravno- nekog neidentificiranog razloga)... Možda me i ima razloga mrzit.. Radi neceg... Ne znam... Ne mogu skuzit sta sam mu napravila...
Mozda me jednostavno organski ne podnosi pa mi to ne moze rec u facu, nego me mora tracat i vridjat iza ledja?! namcor
Ma ne znan sta da kazen... Neda mi se pilat ovakvim osobama... Jednostavno nemam volje, jer smatram da to definitivno nicim nije zasluzija... Toliko sam se ispilala, da bi nam razred bija slozan (jer smo ja i on bili No1 sta se tice preziranja, a ostali su se nekako i podnosili), a sve se uvik vrati na isto, uvik nista ne napravim a gratis se osramotin...
Jednostavno, od ovog odustajen...zijev

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A sta se tice samog provoda... Dosadno na kvadrat... Elez je bija tu, pa je u nekim trenutcima cak bilo i zanimljivo.. Iako je on u 7:30 isa ca, pa sam dakle, i ja otisla... rofl Kasnije sam zvala Barbaru i isle smo se setat po gradu do 10, i tako ubijale dosadu...
Pricale smo gluposti... Steta sta sve te bisere nisan zapantila, pa bi ovaj post barem necim obiljezila...yes Ma... Da...
Trenutno, ne znam kako se osijecam.. Ne znam da li sam zadovoljna... Ili ne... Ali vise ovom drugom... Sta ja znam, valjda ce sutra bit zanimljivije.. Iako ne znam sta ce moja malenkost radit... dead

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I sad bi valjda tribala ic lec, al ne virujen da cu uspit zaspat...
Pa cu najvjerojatnije prckat po internetu (mozda cak i po blogovima), dok se dovoljno ne uspavan, da budem sigurna da cu zaspat... (a ne opet, ka svaki dan, buljit u prazno)
I sada ane ide pa-pa...
LoLin vas sve!!!

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Thanks for the memories
Fall out boy

I'm gonna make you bend and break
(It sends you to me without wait)
Say a prayer but let the good times roll
In case God doesn't show
(Let the good times roll - Let the good times roll)

And I want these words to make things right
But it's the wrongs that make the words come to life
Who does he think he is?
If that's the worst you got
Better put your fingers back to the keys

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
He tastes like you, only sweeter

One night, yeah, and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
See, he tastes like you, only sweeter

Been looking forward to the future
But my eyesight is going bad
And this crystal ball
It's always cloudy except for
(Except for)
When you look into the past
(Look into the past)
One night stand
(One night stand off)

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
He tastes like you, only sweeter

One night, yeah, and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
See, he tastes like you, only sweeter

They say - I only think
In the form of crunching numbers
In hotel rooms
Collecting page six lovers

Get me out of my mind
I'll get you out of those clothes
I'm a liner away
From getting you into the mood

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
He tastes like you, only sweeter

One night, yeah, and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
See, he tastes like you, only sweeter

One night and one more time
(One more night, one more time)
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
He tastes like you, only sweeter

One night, yeah and one more time
(One more night, one more time)
Thanks for the memories
(For the memories)
Thanks for the memories
(For the memories)
See, he tastes like you, only sweeter

Post je objavljen 02.02.2008. u 23:11 sati.